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Payable Skills by Position

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Date: 04/09/2022 10:05:53
Tampines Fusion
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So I've been training my big man in nothing but OD and PA this whole season. I decided to check him on the salary estimation tool on Buzzer-Manager and his salary ballooned to 110k. Is passing free only on Cs? So to actually reap the benefits of free passing, I'll need to ensure his skillset stays in the C category right?

Also, is there anywhere (a thread or something) which I can refer to which can show which skills are free for which position, and also what kind of builds/skills determines which position your player plays?

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314051.2 in reply to 314051.1
Date: 04/09/2022 13:51:22
Isca Centurions
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Dartmoor Pumas
This is what I use as reference: (160760.16)

Regarding builds, the salary tool on buzzer manager will show you what position a player will be listed as. You can then adjust the skills to see at what point a player might switch to a different position and so on.

Last edited by testudo at 04/09/2022 13:53:29

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314051.3 in reply to 314051.2
Date: 04/09/2022 21:09:29
Tampines Fusion
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Thanks mate!

That said I noticed that for Cs, JR/OD/HA/DR/PA are all at 0.001 while HA on PF is listed as 0.000. Does that mean passing isn't exactly free on Cs, and that it's just very very very cheap?

And on Buzzer-Manager, where do we see the position? Is it the rating that is highlighted in green? Coz I got a player who has C highlighted in green but his salary shown in the generated image is the salary of PF.

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314051.4 in reply to 314051.3
Date: 04/10/2022 02:19:53
Pro A
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Les Boulettes Utopiennes
On BM or on BB, the position of your player is the position with the highest salary, estimated or not, period.

Passing is free as long as your position does not switch from C to PG.

(*) on BM there is a salary estimation tab: Tools->Salary Estimation

Last edited by boule at 04/10/2022 02:36:57

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314051.5 in reply to 314051.4
Date: 04/10/2022 21:47:41
Tampines Fusion
Overall Posts Rated:
Ah, alright. Thanks a lot for the explanation.