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Home advantage

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From: hoo-cee
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Date: 08/10/2008 17:26:36
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I know there are a lot of things that can change, but how big you would estimate the home advantage to be? When playing with pretty normal pace?

I know you can't say anything very accurate, but would ~15p seem about right?

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42071.2 in reply to 42071.1
Date: 08/10/2008 18:10:31
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My thinking is that HCA is worth somewhere around 8 points, but it is only an uneducated guess.

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42071.3 in reply to 42071.2
Date: 08/10/2008 19:12:59
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My thinking is that HCA is worth somewhere around 8 points, but it is only an uneducated guess.

You mean 8 points per team or as a whole?

My 15 points in total would mean 7-8 points per team.

Probably my guess is as educated as yours...

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42071.4 in reply to 42071.3
Date: 08/10/2008 19:34:32
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My guess would be that if two teams have the same talent, are basically identical, and play just as well as the other, the home team would win by 7-8 points. Again, just a guess...

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42071.5 in reply to 42071.4
Date: 08/10/2008 19:40:45
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My guess would be that if two teams have the same talent, are basically identical, and play just as well as the other, the home team would win by 7-8 points. Again, just a guess...

Alright, then we have the same guess... There would be a ~15 point difference between home and away match...

Any others with some numbers or with a "good" guess?