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Coach McYork's List Week 1

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Date: 04/18/2009 11:57:17
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Hello fellow players I'm Coach McYork. This week I am going to be starting a Sportscenter like info-base for our league. Come here every Saturday at for the latest going on in league V.42. Please note that the reports will not be posted until 12 PM EST on Saturdays. And here we go...

Welcome to Coach McYork's List. I'm Ryan Mahar, Coach McYork's advisor, bringing you the News. Here's the list for today.

List Week 1

1. ~ CELTICS ~

2. The V.42 All-Star Game

3. Dandy Fops

That's the list for today. Now I am going to send it over to Coach McYork who is outside the newest stadium in league V.42, airforce stadium. Coach...

Coach M: Thanks Ryan I am outside the the stadium of the newest team in our league ~CELTICS~. The new team is coming in with a poor winning percentage of 2-11 but mabey they can turn it around this season with Bernard Farris. He has the potential of a hall of famer. Should be interseting to watch this guy play. First opponent for this team is Da Best Team. Just about finished here Ryan take it for me wil ya?

No problem Coach M. Alright next on the list is the V.42 All-Star Game. It was a hardfaught battle but in the end the Big 8 came out on top 143 to 121. The Game took place at The Lightning Strike Zone in the Great 8 territory making it an even harder loss. Thomas Biddle of Da Best Team was the MVP of the All-Star game with 30 points! On another note the Sub Center Jordi Almazora of The Fire Blizzard scored more points than the starter Michael Collier and got a 3.0 higher rating for his performance than Michael did.Jordi also played 4 minutes less . Jordi Almazora saw this coming and did give us a little glimpse of it in the All-Star Game report about a week ago. Jordi had this to say after the Game. " I feel like mabey if me and Roberto started then mabey we would have been able to win ". Roberto Noveri also of The Fire Blizzard did better than the starter Power Forward like Jordi had wiith Michael Collier.Alexander Bridges who only put up 9 points stated this while failing to get the press off his back, " It just wasn't my night! Are you looking for me to say I'm sorry? Everyone has their off nights. I'm not going to stand here and tell you that it was my fault we lost because I know that is what your looking for. But what I will tell you is that sure, I contributed to the loss, missed some open shots. But it was sure as Hell not all my fault we lost. There were 9 other players on that team. They would have easily been able to clean my mess up if it was all my fault. But they weren't able to which means other team-mates made a mess along the way too. Yes I am going to apologize on behalf of the whole team to the players that were trying to mop up our messes, John Burr, Tracy Kinder, Carter Traylor and my teammate Jordi Almazora. These are the only 4 players on the team who didn't mess up tonight. Have a nice night. " Well as you just saw it is obvious that Alex doesn't like the press! Haha.

Next on the list is Dandy Fops. What really needs to be said, I mean this team speaks for itself! They only lost to the Buzzrds over a month ago on March 14. They had 4 starting allstars on the victorious Big 8 All-Star team. This team is most likely going to win the entire playoffs. Im garrenteeing they will be the ones to advance. Coach M what do you think?

Coach M: Haha I'm still rooting for my team Ryan.

Haha yes, good luck Coach. Also next up against the dominating force Dandy Fops is The Great 8 team The Lightning. Coach who are you playing tonight?

Coach M:littlebuzz is our next opponent. Tonight at 8 EST.

Let me do a little research on your match here. littlebuzz are in the Big 8 and are currently 4-9. You nervous at all about this game Coach?

Coach M: A little I mean their in the Big 8 and the Big8 has always given us a run for our money.

Were out of time Coach . I'm Ryan Mahar and this is Coach McYork's List. Thanks for watching, see you next Saturday.

Last edited by Coach McYork at 04/18/2009 11:58:49