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BB Canada > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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136143.13 in reply to 136143.1
Date: 03/23/2010 16:43:31
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My question for the candidates is:

After Moran and Perkins, there appears to be a large drop-off in talented inside players eligible for the U-21 NT... so how will you plan on using them? and will you hold off on naming fringe players to the team and wait until we play important games (by this I don't mean playing Barbados or Jamaica, I mean playing Argentina, Brazil, Chile etc...)?

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136143.14 in reply to 136143.13
Date: 03/23/2010 17:01:37
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Test for everybody:

If we were playing the strong team Portugal tomarrow, what tactics and what lineups would you choose. Explain every tough choice you had to make when writing your answer. Keep game shape etc. in mind. Postscript. Only use the current U21 roster when making your lineups

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136143.17 in reply to 136143.13
Date: 03/23/2010 17:41:12
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C and PF Positions/Roster Spots in general
I agree that after Moran and Perkins, there is a big drop in talent at the C/PF positions. To me, those two are locks to make the team, and have major roles. I do think it is important, though, that they have at least other C/PF type supporting them (even in the early games). I would expect to either have one or two of the weaker big men on the team to start. Since the options here are very close in current skills, I would consider likely development during season 12 in deciding which one(s) to put on the opening roster.

Looking at the opening roster size more generally, I expect to star off the season with either 10 or 11 players (I haven't fully decided yet). I do like the extra resilience during games that comes with 11 players (as foul outs and injuries can happen any time). I would want to be up to a full 12 by the first difficult game, but as Aston Midhurst points out, there will probably be some one-sided games early on, which allows for holding some spots open for awhile.

While on the topic of roster size, My current plan would be to use up to 3 roster spots for saving prospects throughout the season (ideally, in the earlier weeks). This would leave 4 or 5 spots for callups throughout the season, if the roster starts out with 10 or 11 players.

Own players on U21 team
Chris asked a question about what managers would do if they had players on their league team that are eligible for the Canadian U21. My short answer here is that I don't have any Canadian U21 prospects, and probably won't in the upcoming seasons. If I do end up acquiring a U21 eligible player, I would treat that player the same as any other, in terms of making the team and what role they might have on it.

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136143.18 in reply to 136143.17
Date: 03/23/2010 18:11:17
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Thanks for the quick response and good luck with the election!

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136143.19 in reply to 136143.18
Date: 03/23/2010 18:26:05
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With only one candidate currently running, I question where the drama is going to come from. Aren't good elections supposed to involve smeer campaigns, old photos of someone smoking a joint or atleast the possibility of someone eating there Wheaties and going Tiger Woods.

I know for damn sure there is no dirt on Mogul, he is a class act. And has offered me loads of great advice. My support may not mean much, but like others I will be backing The Mogul re guardless of who else may run. But I do require a question or two be awnsered. Did you inhale? And if you did not have 'sexual relations' with her, what would you call it instead?

Cheers and I look forward to seeing you run the U21 team.

Last edited by Mod-beanerz at 03/23/2010 18:26:30

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136143.20 in reply to 136143.17
Date: 03/23/2010 18:41:23
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mogul now that i have dropped out i just wanted to tell you that you have my vote, you deserve it most

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136143.22 in reply to 136143.20
Date: 03/23/2010 23:24:25
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just thought i would stick my nose in a bit. i've been laying very low for the past 6 months or so. i've put my name in the hat to see if there would be any interest from many in seeing me run the team again. for those that aren't aware, i was the U21 manager for 4 seasons prior to the past 2. i have been quietly reading the forums and posts while observing the results and direction of the team. i am more than happy to answer any questions that old or new have to direct my way.

anyways i thought i would add a little to the election to see the direction it would go. i won't put an "official" speech in that thread but will say that i do have a lot of experience with the job and a pretty good track record with my club team and the U21 national team in the past. i have developed players for those levels, spent time scouting, and tried to lend a hand to those interested in any advice i have to offer when asked.

for those that have been around a long time, i am not the most vocal person all the time on here, but those that have gotten to know me a bit here understand that i am always willing to put time and effort into success even at the expense of my real life family, job, and coaching ;)

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136143.23 in reply to 136143.22
Date: 03/23/2010 23:57:04
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I am always on buzzerbeater my team on a four game cup sweep u should vote for me if not someone u could vote for someone that cares about buzzerbeater as much as me trust
