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USA - IV.22 > Season 30

Season 30

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267717.15 in reply to 267717.14
Date: 4/4/2015 9:36:16 AM
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By most mangers I meant everyone except you, zekesters, DRS and Northside Gunners. I noticed you were in D3 ;) I'm currently looking to expand my arena even more even though I'm not selling out. You might want to invest in Lower tier because that will be the money maker later on in D2-NBBA. Bleachers now make the most money because of the quantity of them and it's most popular for now. I want 5000 lower tiers and 13000-15000 bleachers by the time I reach D3. I'm currently training 3 players for U21 right now. If you are training an U21 player come join the U.S off-site. More people are active and we have great discussion with many people inputting their ideas. We discus U21/NT all the time helping the mangers. You should really give it try. I think you would enjoy it and learn a lot about buzzerbeater.

BBmail E.B.W. (32018), Isaiah (24091), or fewmit (29222)after you register so they can approve your account. If you don't BBmail them they won't approve your account.

This Post:
267717.16 in reply to 267717.15
Date: 4/4/2015 6:11:04 PM
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Thanks for the link and the info. :-)

I have been member for some time. Link to USA-bb was recently changed and I have been unable to log in for some time. Will be visiting ZetaBoard-USA NT.

Yeah, growth will be in the lower tier and "Bleachers". Would like to discuss more later. :-D

This Post:
267717.17 in reply to 267717.16
Date: 4/5/2015 11:19:53 AM
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USA-bb has been down. The creators of it quit buzzerbeater. That's why advance stats and tools haven't been working for awhile. I'm Oreo Dunker on the off-site just to let you know.

This Post:
267717.18 in reply to 267717.16
Date: 4/5/2015 11:21:33 AM
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I thought I had set my game tactics effort to TIE. I look at results today and it says game effort was " Normal". My bad. Trust me, I had no intention of playing that game at Normal Effort. There is no benefit; I will not be promoting this season; instead, continuing to train C. Valle.

Again, my bad.

This Post:
267717.19 in reply to 267717.18
Date: 4/5/2015 11:27:22 AM
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It's all good. I know you had no intentions to normal since you were team is so much better than mine. Good luck with your training! I wonder who is gonna promote since you don't plan on it?

This Post:
267717.20 in reply to 267717.19
Date: 4/19/2015 9:48:47 AM
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DRS what happened? Did you forefit on purpose?

This Post:
267717.21 in reply to 267717.20
Date: 4/22/2015 1:10:48 AM
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This will be very very hard to believe but:

I had a college alumni reunion and didn't bring my laptop or my cell phone. It was really precautionary, because I've had bad issues with losing or damaging tech items on road trips. All I had was a basic phone.

I thought I'd easily get on the internet somewhere, but as time passed it just evaded me. I kept going to event after event that was planned, and ended up not accessing the internet at all from April 15-20th. I didnt go to a library, nor a hotel. I ended up staying with friends in the area each night, and was hardly ever inside besides that. It's absolutely nuts and its absolutely true. Just one big whirlwind I was in over there, and I ended up without internet access until yesterday when I flew home.

At around 9 pm Saturday night, when were finishing up a group dinner - I rememebered that my game vs. The Maulers was on. I realized I was forfeiting b/c with this whole reunion thing - the internet {let alone Buzzerbeater} hardly ever crossed my mind. I was way too busy getting caught up in seeing classmates that I hadn't seen in a long time.

**And for that, I deserve to end my season in this embarrassing manner. I was furious that night, but I've just accepted it now and will learn to be more cognizant from now on. On to Season 31.

Last edited by Hemi Roytman at 4/22/2015 1:13:23 AM

This Post:
267717.22 in reply to 267717.21
Date: 4/25/2015 11:15:29 PM
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I just noticed Northside Gunners hasn't been on since 4/11 so he's been using his default lineup of RNG 2-3

This Post:
267717.23 in reply to 267717.22
Date: 4/26/2015 10:20:30 PM
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Congrats! Good luck at D3. You deserved to win it all this year. Maybe Northside Gunners will promote too but it just depends on bot promotions. What's your plan since you are promoting earlier than expected?

This Post:
267717.24 in reply to 267717.23
Date: 4/27/2015 12:52:39 AM
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Wow! Totally unexpected. The reason for my team winning are the injuries suffered by Northside Gunners. My plan now is pretty basic; I keep Valle, Eason and Madrid. Everyone else I sell. To compete in D3 I will need to study Nome White Owls (D2.2) and top tier teams in D3. From my previous experience, I will need to add a PG, combo Guard (plays both PG, SG and SF) and a SF; all with salaries in the $25-30K. Core of team will remain Eason and Madrid. They did well, defensively, last time I was in D3; they now have more offensive skills. Valle, hopefully, will be able to play both PF and C for 10 minutes/game. That will help keep Eason and Madrid around 35-40 minutes/game.

Hopefully, I will be able to get and keep a decent draft pick. Hopefully it will be a perimeter player; because perimeter defense is what I will be training next season....

If I add the right talent; I will be able to add another 4K Bleacher seats; and possibly another 1500 Lower Tier seats. With winning, this will make give me sufficient income to keep team going next season.

Basically, I have some studying to do over the next 3-4 days...I want to build a competitive D3 team. Goal is to only be in D3 for 1-2 seasons, moving on to D2...

Again, totally unexpected. Screws up my team income base; forcing me to readjust my thinking. Hopefully I can get enough money from sale 7 players to add 2 decent players...

This Post:
267717.25 in reply to 267717.24
Date: 4/27/2015 9:42:01 PM
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Since you need a SF I would make Valle into a PF that can play inside SF at times. I would get that OD up to 10-12 then get alittle driving and passing then pound big skills. You can add more OD later in his career if you want a SF but if plan on a PF for his final OD goal of 9-11 would be fine.

Your arena looks good just get some lower tier and you have a D3 arena on your hands. I'm not very familial myself with D3 talent. I know more about D2 and NBBA because of the off-site but not much D3. All the D3 teams on the off-site dominate with young talent and only stay for a season. I just don't feel like that's realistic since they have a finish arena, tons of cash from tanking, and great trainees.