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Season 17

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From: mikelm15

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190671.17 in reply to 190671.16
Date: 08/02/2011 18:50:13
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You should not say things that have not happened. I doubt it, look the offense and defnece califications.

From: malice

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190671.18 in reply to 190671.17
Date: 08/02/2011 19:13:31
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You're saying, that the presence of my starting PG - a $20k player - instead of a $5k PG, wouldn't have made a 5pt difference?
That's... an interesting stance.

You won the game, but it took Normal to my TIE, and my PG going down. A good win... but if there are such things as "good losses", then this was one.

Last edited by malice at 08/02/2011 19:20:35 - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
From: mikelm15

This Post:
190671.19 in reply to 190671.18
Date: 08/03/2011 04:12:03
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When the season start, every teams are in the same position, all the players in the same form, this is the reason that Shikoku lost vs Kyoto. Yes, i have a bit of lucky, but if your PG was all the match, my Inside Score should be the same, and your outside score, when you play run & throw don't change a lot. I repeat you, look the inside and outside offense and defense calification.

From: malice

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190671.20 in reply to 190671.19
Date: 08/03/2011 07:08:58
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And I repeat: 20 is a bigger number than 5.
You wanna look at numbers, look at the FG% for my 5k PG. They don't occur with Vuleta in.

At the end of the day, you won. But as I said: took a lot of things falling in place for you to get that. I probably should have normal'd - but I'm ok with that. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
190671.21 in reply to 190671.19
Date: 08/03/2011 10:57:04
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When the season start, every teams are in the same position, all the players in the same form, this is the reason that Shikoku lost vs Kyoto

Yes soon I would win by more when my enthusiasm is 12 and all my players have proficient game shape. :P

I admit I was lucky but you need a lot of luck as well as a lot of skill in this game.

This Post:
190671.22 in reply to 190671.20
Date: 08/07/2011 09:31:26
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Last season you win by 1 and this season you win in overtime. It seems that the fates smile upon you again.

This Post:
190671.23 in reply to 190671.22
Date: 08/07/2011 09:37:04
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Difference was, you could afford to go TIE, and lose that game. I... could not. You are my rival, and I'm not yours (well... beyond competitive spirits!). Being at 1-2 would be untenable for me at this point of the season, especially after dropping a tight one to Fighters.
Some weirdness in the game tho': I played R&G, which should put the majority of shots in my guards' hands - yet my center Kopsas took SIX three point shots (and a number of 2s from the outer area) - to my PG's 2. I know which of those two I'd prefer shooting from the perimeter!
But Ad saved me. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
190671.24 in reply to 190671.22
Date: 08/09/2011 07:00:03
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You fell in there! Nice. Did you expect TB to go CT on you? That's a good win tho'.
Good that he went CT too - as I have him next Tuesday...

Watched the end of the Fighters/Otaku game - damn, what a finish! Seems those boys ALWAYS have a fight on their hands...
O... and as I type: IT'S GONE TO OT!!! Sheesh... and WHAT an OT!! Tighter than a fish's butthole! Right down to the final seconds, and stupid move by Tellez going for the 3 when 2 pts down. Game over, Otaku wins by 4. mikelm's gotta be BLEEDING on this one. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
190671.25 in reply to 190671.24
Date: 08/12/2011 20:23:05
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Well that was a very lucky win and maybe makes up for the week before.

He has some great players and if I survived a CT vs TIE at his arena while making my 2nd string trainees play 48+ minutes at both PG and SG and I still won? Makes me feel a lot better about my team.

Look at the top 4 in the Great 8, probably all 4 of us are better than the 2nd best in the Big 8. While we will have a tough road this season I think this could be the time, and one of us will make it to the JBBL next season.

If you are like me and already have a big bank balance and are making a lot every week (Typical Weekly Net Income: $ 192 354) then there will be a few more moves before this season is finished.

So far this season for me:
Week 1 beat Otaku at home by 11.
Week 2 lost to NKRK in OT at home but with less effort.
Week 3 beat Terry Bogard away and CT v TIE.

Next week I have the Fighters and the one after しい (who have 4 of their top 5 players in inept GS so will be crashing down very soon), those games will tell me a lot.

Last edited by Lord Toranaga at 08/12/2011 20:25:10

This Post:
190671.26 in reply to 190671.25
Date: 08/12/2011 22:56:27
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I have a little squirreled away. And in a few weeks (2-3?) I'll look at making a small acquisition (well, I'll dump a player as well). Not sure it will do much for my team, but I'm fine with this season not being a move to the JBBL. We'll see.

I have Shikoku up tonight - in his arena, pretty sure I'm just going to go TIE and focus on TB. But... who knows? - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
From: malice

This Post:
190671.27 in reply to 190671.26
Date: 08/13/2011 07:21:37
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I have Shikoku up tonight - in his arena, pretty sure I'm just going to go TIE and focus on TB. But... who knows?

About an hour before, I changed my mind - went with Normal. (36548840)
Nice result, I went to dinner after the first quarter, and things weren't looking so hot... but my guards had a pretty good game, and I fell in. Lucky I guess. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan