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new tool: rebound

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From: KifaH
This Post:
21063.18 in reply to 21063.17
Date: 03/26/2008 16:48:21
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Team Hijack.

That´s the right reason why I wait until any CBBP will occur. But before it happens, I just have to use my skills. I don´t want to take the risk.

This Post:
21063.19 in reply to 21063.18
Date: 03/26/2008 16:52:57
Overall Posts Rated:
Team Hijack.

That´s the right reason why I wait until any CBBP will occur. But before it happens, I just have to use my skills. I don´t want to take the risk.

Did you even read (21063.16) ?

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
21063.20 in reply to 21063.1
Date: 03/30/2008 18:03:36
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question, is there a way to import old xml-files manually, i want to test the programm a bit, as long the download doesnt work.

This Post:
21063.21 in reply to 21063.1
Date: 04/04/2008 09:53:45
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well the download still doesnt work somehow.
the roster xml in the datafiles rosters are 199kb but contain no data.
i can put in the xml with the current roster after renaming it, but only one if i put in some older renamed xml files they wont show up in the development boxes.

From: Oster

To: CitB
This Post:
21063.22 in reply to 21063.21
Date: 04/05/2008 17:53:07
Overall Posts Rated:
after click download and it failed i clicked a second time directly after and it work

This Post:
21063.23 in reply to 21063.20
Date: 04/06/2008 05:31:52
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just copy your old xml-files to the DATAFILES folder and rename them. the name has to be roster-xxxx-xx-xx.xml where xxxx-xx-xx is the date when you downloaded the xml file

This Post:
21063.24 in reply to 21063.11
Date: 04/06/2008 07:11:50
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Can this program be trusted or not?

This Post:
21063.25 in reply to 21063.23
Date: 04/14/2008 18:24:11
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there is still a prob with the download within the program the downloaded files contain :
Oops! Something Went Wrong.
Something went wrong with the page:

If this problem persists, please check out the bug forum. If your problem isn't already being discussed then please post the URL of the page having problems, with an explanation of what you are trying to do.

Thank you for playing Buzzerbeater.
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From: alfFC

To: CitB
This Post:
21063.26 in reply to 21063.25
Date: 04/14/2008 20:22:46
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This Post:
21063.27 in reply to 21063.1
Date: 05/08/2008 16:58:59
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If you created this tool, it is good. However when you go to Skill Weights the positions at the very bottom, all the positions are visible except the #'s for the Point Guard, they are too far to the right & you can't see them. If you could adjust all the Positions to the left so maybe the PG #'s are visable then this would be great. Clive

This Post:
21063.28 in reply to 21063.27
Date: 05/11/2008 06:58:19
Overall Posts Rated:
having problems to load the rooster, anyone else?

It's still showing my old rooster with the players i sold etc..
