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Season 24 Smack

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From: Peluin

To: Coco
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242905.18 in reply to 242905.11
Date: 06/11/2013 13:08:38
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BB economy is weird. When I used to be in BBB, I had 970k salary and just about broke even. After that, I had 900k salary and broke even. Last season, in an attempt to build some cash, I dropped down to 800k and broke even (and barely stayed up). I'm not sure how I'm supposed to make money if I'm not a team on the way up.

Anyway, all this to say, in an attempt to build some cash foundation, reset my interest in the game, and protect Nielsen's GS for the worlds, in a way I couldn't do down the stretch last season, I may decide to tank, relegate, and be the weak link of our conference. We'll see.

Pretty sure the optimal strategy for AMERICA is for the top 20 teams to enter a cycle of tanking->relegating->promoting, with everyone participating you'll have four seasons of tanking to one season of outspending a D.II. Then we start designating people to win B3 with the profits.

If someone fluke-loses their D.II then we just have to indoctrinate #21, it's in their best-interest financially (arguably not from an entertainment standpoint though).

I'm sort of considering following this plan by my lonesome, I turned a slight profit without even trying from my shenanigans the past two seasons, not even counting all the out-of-position training I got done "for free".

edit: I think this has been brought up before I'm just starting to feel like the clique is small enough that it might work, heh. I haven't read the game rules in forever but I don't remember any competitiveness/sportsmanship clauses...

Last edited by Peluin at 06/11/2013 13:10:15

From: Peluin

This Post:
242905.19 in reply to 242905.18
Date: 06/11/2013 13:12:49
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I think I have a problem and my problem is that it was more fun tanking than playing properly in NBBA.

Last edited by Peluin at 06/11/2013 13:13:10

From: brian

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242905.20 in reply to 242905.18
Date: 06/11/2013 13:16:49
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An agreement induced salary cap of the league salary floor? Cap holds and exceptions for hosting american NT players?

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: AZ

This Post:
242905.21 in reply to 242905.20
Date: 06/11/2013 13:27:39
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But you've already stockpiled all of the American NT! We're onto you!

This Post:
242905.22 in reply to 242905.18
Date: 06/11/2013 13:30:08
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Pretty sure the optimal strategy for AMERICA is for the top 20 teams to enter a cycle of tanking->relegating->promoting, with everyone participating you'll have four seasons of tanking to one season of outspending a D.II. Then we start designating people to win B3 with the profits.

Just an FYI, I would have been down for this too had somebody not kept me from joining the NBBA...

From: AZ

To: Coco
This Post:
242905.23 in reply to 242905.11
Date: 06/11/2013 13:32:28
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I may decide to tank, relegate, and be the weak link of our conference. We'll see.

I've entertained this idea in the past, but I would have to completely change my team's identity. Basically being a slightly different version of Silverbacks. Do something funky like Inside/Outside Iso or Princeton.

I'm positive jumpers and 3 point shooting can work. Would just need the money and some dead end seasons for crappy training to make it work.

From: Peluin

To: AZ
This Post:
242905.24 in reply to 242905.23
Date: 06/11/2013 13:40:40
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I'm not positive it would work, but I want to try it anyway I have the same problem as you though, a bunch of excellent LI-built players and nothing else. If you look on TL there's hardly anything worth buying for outside offense.

From: Peluin

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242905.25 in reply to 242905.20
Date: 06/11/2013 13:42:17
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An agreement induced salary cap of the league salary floor? Cap holds and exceptions for hosting american NT players?

Yeah, and maybe a designated relegation order so no one becomes the oppressed underclass, crushed beneath the merciless boots of Nemesio Xermade.

From: Jason

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242905.26 in reply to 242905.13
Date: 06/11/2013 13:52:26
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
just a FYI.

I am pleased with the team's performance last season: 2 balls. ;)

Last Fan Survey update was 6/8. so that 2 balls is still reflecting their opinion of your teams Season 22 performance. Tonights update should reflect their opinion of your Championship season :-)

From: Peluin

To: Coco
This Post:
242905.28 in reply to 242905.27
Date: 06/11/2013 14:07:14
Overall Posts Rated:

We'll see if these alleged super-defensive centers, together with the new GE, are really going to take outside teams to a new level.

I want to spend all my money on 18yos and tank to train shotblocking.
