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Ireland U21 national team

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138626.19 in reply to 138626.18
Date: 05/18/2010 18:25:33
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i think you and your team should take care about Irish Men's National Team as well, or it would be too much for you? .. i would vote for you guys :)

This Post:
138626.20 in reply to 138626.19
Date: 05/19/2010 10:51:16
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No offense to Matt, but why would you want to rteplace one of the most talented managers in the world as your coach? The Irish NT losing is nothing to do with the coaching but that Ireland is so far behind the other countries in terms of development. Hopefully Matt's efforts at the U21 level will help supply dhoff with some talented players he can actually win with.

This Post:
138626.21 in reply to 138626.20
Date: 05/19/2010 16:29:16
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Well done to Matt. This group was extremely difficult and our U-21 NT has done well considering the current state it's in. Matt has done a great job in communicating with the managers of players to get the best out of layer development. We won't really see the fruits of Matt's work until the current crop of 18 year old talents are 21, so the future looks very bright, and I hope Matt is given at least a second term as U-21 boss to see his development of our U-21 NT through.

Looking at our Senior NT I don't think even if you had the best manager in the world you would do well with them. Even doing slightly better with them than their current record would be a push in my opinion. They are poor as our players have been neglected for years, thankfully Matt has taken some major steps to get us to move in the right direction, but it will be a while yet before we see an improvement in our Senior NT.

I don't see why our current Senior NT boss has such a low approval rating as it is, and I certainly don't see why Matt has only 80% approval (Matt should have 100% approval in my view). We are a small nation with few active managers compared to most other nations, and we haven't trained our players in the best way. That's a recipe for disaster anyway you would look at it. Matt has done a great job with us so far, armed us with the tools to get better, but it takes time, and we need to be patient and endure with what we've got. NT's aren't like your league team - you can't go out and buy the players you lack. Although there will always be people unhappy even if your doing well.

Anyway, well done Matt

This Post:
138626.22 in reply to 138626.21
Date: 05/19/2010 17:34:10
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100% agree with everything you said.

This Post:
138626.23 in reply to 138626.20
Date: 05/20/2010 04:17:43
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i agree with you.

and knowing matt he'll be not offended by your words.
Major NT and U21 are two different arguments.

we are trying to do a work with irish community, today not so "sensible" to the growth of his "children"... :D
This work will give his fruits at least in season 14-15. And even in that season for the major NT this will be not useful....
we have to work hard for some seasons to see results also in the NT.

dhoff has made the maximum with the player that irish community has to offer.

This Post:
138626.24 in reply to 138626.21
Date: 05/20/2010 11:14:31
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Thanks Tom, I'm really glad to read these things you have wrote. Sometimes I didn't know if there were Irish people reading my posts or my notes, but now I know that there were. I'm really happy that you appreciate my the work of my staff and mine, you are right in every single thing you wrote. I hope that others Irish users who like this game can read your posts and take your advice which are the only way to grow a strong squad, especially with a new squad just registred.

Like you wrote we will see the fruits of this work only in two or three seasons. For this reason I would certainly like to be the U21 coach also for the next mandate. I'm happy to see that you agree with me in this matter.

With regard to the discussion of the national major team I think, like EESS71 and GM-FatCurry, that dhoff is making a great work. In fact, as it was said, the major national team situation is no better than ours. We also wrote some BB-mails each other telling about our national team and I said to him the same thing. So I can answer to hayabusa that I'm proud by the offer but my staff and I prefer to focus about the U21 national team. I think that only in this way we will be able to do our work as better as we can. :)

This Post:
138626.25 in reply to 138626.24
Date: 05/20/2010 18:44:34
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With regard to the discussion of the national major team I think, like EESS71 and GM-FatCurry, that dhoff is making a great work. In fact, as it was said, the major national team situation is no better than ours.

Its a long term process and you guys are laying great groundwork. I've been following along keep up the great work.

This Post:
138626.26 in reply to 138626.25
Date: 05/20/2010 19:02:45
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Well Matt I'm a great believer in giving credit where it is due, and you and your team deserve a lot of praise. You've come to a small, poor, nation and given us the foundations to improve our NT's and our own teams a lot. We can't thank you enough for that in my view.

I tend to read these forums once or twice a week. It's especially great to see you comment after each match as it shows your enthusiasm for the job and the challenge of raising our NT's status in the world. Unfortunately we don't have an active community on these forums. I think many managers just concentrate on their teams and the NT results and don't look at the forums. I think a lot of managers just look at the results of the NT's and don't realise the gravity of the situation we are in and that's why approval ratings aren't as high as I think they should be!

Changing NT managers every election isn't much good (unless the NT manager has no interest any more) as managers can only work with what we, the Irish managers, have given them. They only way we and our NT's can get better is training our promising youth and letting those we can't, or don't train go.

I think as regards U-21 bosses that it has to be a 4 year cycle, rather than just 2. It takes 3 years for 18 yo's to become 21, and that's when we see the true impact of the manager and his staff.

I believe we have a great future because of your efforts, so thanks, and good luck in the friendlies!

This Post:
138626.27 in reply to 138626.26
Date: 05/21/2010 19:54:55
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it's good to see my post did our NT forum so active:) well.. i agree that U21 and NT are very different things.. you're right guys, both managers does great job and we should to be proud of them both and hope for a bright future for Irish teams :) of course we have to do our best with our young stars as well :)

This Post:
138626.28 in reply to 138626.27
Date: 05/22/2010 04:02:59
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it's good to see my post did our NT forum so active:)

Yep, you are right.. I have never seen this forum so active :)

From: Skunk27
This Post:
138626.29 in reply to 138626.28
Date: 05/22/2010 16:32:22
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Hi guys. Just a quick query... I'm currently training Fallon in hope of him making the U21 team, and was wondering when - if ever - is a good time to train stamina. Is it necessary or more beneficial to just train the primary skills and have players get by without too much stamina? Cheers.
