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Season 38

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285204.19 in reply to 285204.18
Date: 03/27/2017 18:02:20
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I was a bit surprise his last game (sharks VS LOLR) wasn't closer. This week or tomorrow, is almost a must win for sharks against the 5 seed. To have any chance on turning things around. A long season still to go, but you can dig yourself a hole that is to damn deep to dig out of if you ain't careful.Probably gonna have to steal a game or two on top of having those easy wins. should be an interesting finish. I'm kinda happy to be where i'm at after playing the 5 seed, bombers and steel. and this week LOLR.

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285204.20 in reply to 285204.19
Date: 03/28/2017 10:46:35
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I'm just not sure if Aztecs has enough of a team to stop Sharks for a full game. I feel like at home especially Sharks is probably close to a 15 point favorite.

So far this season I've faced 3 normals vs 3 ties and honestly have no idea how I've pulled them all out especially against you guys. Seeing Cano went down for the game and already missing Pallini I didn't think my weird training lineup thing I set out this week would be able to get it done.

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285204.21 in reply to 285204.20
Date: 03/28/2017 18:50:27
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I have no idea either lol. Like i said, after Cano went down for the game, and your other great player already out. I felt like I had a slight edge. But, your guys stepped it up, and we couldn't match that. I haven't used "inside" offense for a while, but i was looking at your team compare to mine, and going in I thought I had the advantage. Always looking for that slight edge lol. But it back fired, your guys are alot better, than i gave em credit for, and thats nobodies fault, but my own. I'm hoping to rebound in tonights game. Don't wanna start a losing trend going on.

I honestly, thought that the Sharks, wasn't keeping up with their team, when I saw they were 0-3. Because they were a hot team late in the season, and i thought they would contend this year, for a playoff spot.
I didn't realize who all they played, until you guys pointed it out. Good Luck to everyone tonight, except for LeagueOfLegendRioter

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285204.22 in reply to 285204.11
Date: 03/30/2017 12:04:43
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Anyone have any concerns with their cup matchup this week?

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285204.23 in reply to 285204.22
Date: 03/31/2017 02:38:48
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I had a computerized team again this week.

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285204.24 in reply to 285204.23
Date: 03/31/2017 02:40:38
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but i'll be out next week lol. Danbury mad haters....ranked 35 and has a damn good team

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285204.25 in reply to 285204.24
Date: 03/31/2017 08:23:17
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Well ya never know I just beat a D II team this week, granted his depth wasn't great and I went CT vs tie but I still pulled it off :p

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285204.26 in reply to 285204.25
Date: 03/31/2017 16:49:22
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thats what this guy is a D11 team. Looks to good, for my team to have a chance. check out his depth if you get the chance. Your team may have a chance to beat him. i'll give you that, with a healthy lineup. but compared to my team, im as good as snake food lmfao

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285204.27 in reply to 285204.26
Date: 03/31/2017 20:50:50
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Yeah you might be screwed haha the game shape difference alone would be an issue for you not to mention that like you said his team is real deep. Makes planning for the rest of the season easier though, only need to focus on the league instead of both

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285204.28 in reply to 285204.27
Date: 04/02/2017 13:00:37
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Yeah, I'm about to get knocked out of the cup. My dude's team is ranked near top 100 in the country. We're not ready for a team like that yet.

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285204.29 in reply to 285204.28
Date: 04/04/2017 21:52:23
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Very nice win by you tonight. Taken down a giant tonight lol. In their own arena. I liked the way you used your super star in this game. If injuries continue to strike the Steel, i'm gonna have to remember your game plan. After all it is a copy cat league lmfao...good game once again, and then there were no more undefeated teams in our division
