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Season 30 Smack

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266312.23 in reply to 266312.22
Date: 02/04/2015 16:35:47
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Well the core that got me here
Was mostly over 30 year of age
So I sold those 2 at reasonable prices while I still can
I tried to stay and compete on div Ii for the reasons u listed above but
Never was able to crack it until I dropped down to div III and came back
For some reason
I feel like the promotional bonus and attendance
Is just too much to pass up
This is the only chance to field a team at min salary and achieve Max attendance
Had I kept the same roster and bought some new players to stay in the league
That woulda have been a 5-6 million difference
And I won't have enough to win it all

This Post:
266312.24 in reply to 266312.23
Date: 02/04/2015 17:33:15
Arizona Cacti
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I already did the drop and promote thing from NBBA Lite (II.4 a few seasons ago) and it took a bit just to get back to II so I can only imagine how long it would take to get back here. If I was low on cash it would be different but I had about 3.5 mil before my purchase today and am still making a lot of weekly profit so I have some options.

I think my ceiling this year is a #4 seed (if I'm lucky) and first round fodder for Hassan or one of you other guys but if I can stick and have that extra year of training for Glass/Rojas and promotion income I might be able to do some damage in a couple seasons.

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266312.25 in reply to 266312.23
Date: 02/04/2015 21:00:55
Delta 9
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Second Team:
Euphoria Seekers
I concur w/ the others in that staying in the NBBA is better than tanking, getting draft picks & trying to re-promote. It took me many seasons to promote to Div II.4, I don't intend to go back. Back then, it felt like I would never escape. Now, I fear I might be stuck there for eternity ...

On a separate note, someone said something a about $12,000,000 & patience. Who's got 12,000,000 ??

This Post:
266312.26 in reply to 266312.25
Date: 02/04/2015 21:17:16
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alright then i will give it a shot and get some players

This Post:
266312.27 in reply to 266312.26
Date: 02/04/2015 21:20:27
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mean while there is a DIV IV usa team trying to outbid me for a 2 million player.....
i guess i am just that broke

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266312.28 in reply to 266312.26
Date: 02/04/2015 21:50:20
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There's really no need to get players before Saturday.

From: AZ

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266312.29 in reply to 266312.25
Date: 02/05/2015 11:45:17
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King Drive Ballers during his second stint in the NBBA must have had near that. He was USA's best bet for winning the Buzzerbeaters Best tourney. At one point he had 4 members of USA's National Team on his roster. I think his general operating expense was minus 200k a week. He managed to do that for a few seasons while continuously trying for the BB Crown.

From: RamQ

To: AZ
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266312.30 in reply to 266312.29
Date: 02/05/2015 14:41:48
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I guess I'll chime in here as well before I turn into someone who only reads the forums and doesn't join in on the fun.

I believe that staying in a higher league has always been easier than actually winning the championship in a lower league. ( i.e. not being relegated from D.II was easier than promoting from D.III.) I found this to be true in each league that I have promoted from. I would do great in a league but it would take a couple of seasons to pull out as the champion, but when I did manage to win, the next league wasn't to much of a struggle to stay alive. Much less so in the NBBA, but I think the premise is still there. There are 22 games in which you can formulate a plan, take advantage of others terrible cup draws, and so forth, rather than a single elimination game that could knock you out because your best dude got injured or some other freak thing.

That being said, I also promote zigging while others zag. The thing that I love about Buzzerbeater is all the different strategies you can use. You could build your players the way you want them to look. You can't let anyone tell you how to do everything about your team, then its not really your team. Some may preach hardcore against old players (33+), while others such as a team named Valhalla promoted ridiculously fast because he capitalized on what others undervalued. #preUtopia. The thing that seems to still be engrained into everyone's head is a lvl 4 trainer. It was being taught when I joined and is still being taught today, "You have to have a level 4 trainer". So you go out and buy one for a bunch of money, all the while lvl 3 trainers are basically being giving away for free. All that to say is self evaluation is key in this game. If you predict that this season is going to be a "Season 28 Big 8 bloodbath", and you see yourself on the bottom of that bloodbath, bowing out might be the best option financially. Rather than demoting in a state of financial ruin, you can demote with the finances to come back quickly.

I'd love to hear what Lucas has to say since he has tanked the NBBA and came back up the next season.

Last edited by RamQ at 02/05/2015 14:42:06

This Post:
266312.31 in reply to 266312.26
Date: 02/05/2015 15:25:52
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alright then i will give it a shot and get some players

i've been giving this a lot of thought -- i think it would be a terrible mistake to have had a chance to pile up a huge amount of cash but instead to have rushed into buying whatever was available on the TL thereby radically escalating your team's costs and eliminating all that profit and still losing the relegation series and dropping down with a collection of players whose ages rival the Chinese Politburo and will have no value on the TL and there you are broke and no prospects having frizzled away to be in the same position with $5 or $6 million or more -- i would hate to see that happen

From: Dunkface

To: RamQ
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266312.32 in reply to 266312.30
Date: 02/05/2015 19:35:09
Arizona Cacti
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Great post but you lost me when you started talking about trainers. Less than level 4??? Blasphemy!

This Post:
266312.33 in reply to 266312.31
Date: 02/05/2015 22:40:27
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so i opted to get a few all star potential young guns and gonna do some basic 1v1 training for this season
and hopefully make them great backups and cup players
i can buy back 2 starters with the money i make/save this season
i guess i had only 1 real competitor omw here which was the clogs
i hope he makes it next season so i wont have to face him again in Div II
