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USA - II.3 > season 50...a golden anniversary, a golden opportunity

season 50...a golden anniversary, a golden opportunity

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304885.23 in reply to 304885.22
Date: 06/30/2020 18:36:36
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Announcer: tonight we start inter conference play with several interesting matchups and lots of interesting decisions to be made.

The generals have gotten word they can stand down on 10th who seek to save their energy for cup purposes.

Stars and exile will tangle to see which can stay close to the playoffs and on who runs the risk of sliding deeper towards the relegation zone

Leapers and jests get together to embrace the tank

The cacti have a interesting challenge on the road against the pistons

In a battle between teams in 3rd the cats and love come together

Advent looks to deal with delta

The tigers look to take the Iguanas by the tail

And Storm will be looking to dodge the upset minded bullets

We will see what Sybil has to say. Tonight's point counterpoint tackles the conflict of winning in league vs competing in the cup. That and lots more is on the way so don't get stuck as its time again for BB2NIGHT!!!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 06/30/2020 18:42:14

From: Jason
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304885.24 in reply to 304885.23
Date: 07/03/2020 00:51:09
Arizona Desert Storm
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Ugh, Back to back road games @Diorite Pistons this week...that should be interesting to navigate!

From: Dunkface

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304885.25 in reply to 304885.24
Date: 07/03/2020 12:18:39
Arizona Cacti
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Ugh, Back to back road games @Diorite Pistons this week...that should be interesting to navigate!

Good news is you can save on travel, just book a 3 night stay at Diorite Hilton!

From: Jason

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304885.26 in reply to 304885.25
Date: 07/03/2020 14:47:46
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
Yes, because our travel plans are our biggest concern when facing Diorite 2 times on the road in back to back games LOL

This Post:
304885.27 in reply to 304885.25
Date: 07/04/2020 10:52:11
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Ugh, Back to back road games @Diorite Pistons this week...that should be interesting to navigate!

Good news is you can save on travel, just book a 3 night stay at Diorite Hilton!

Just set up some cots in the gym.

Happy 4th of July!!!


Perfunctory montage of offensive fireworks.

Announcer: a happy independence day to all across the league. Now let's see who will find

In a potential finals preview the storm will seek to tame the tigers

The stars and love lock up in a battle of teams nursing their post cup hangover.

The bullets look to shoot past the leapers and potentially into a significantly improved place in the standings

9 and 10th will attempt to crunch the numbers

The Iguanas and pistons clash in matchup of teams on the undercard

Advent and cats collide in a battle with playoff positioning potentially at stake

The cacti host the exiles in a team in different positions

And in something straight out of Spaceballs the generals go to eat against their former long time rival Deronimo as his old college roommate Rambo and his tanking jests invade the coliseum.

Sybil the soothsayer will seer into her crystal ball. Point/counterpoint will come up with some sort of topic for confliction to pontificate abou plus Mata Hari is here with her skeletons from the closet. So stay tuned all that and more is in store as its time again for BB2NIGHT!!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 07/04/2020 11:11:13

From: Dunkface

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304885.28 in reply to 304885.26
Date: 07/04/2020 13:05:48
Arizona Cacti
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey they might not show up on the Economy page but transportation costs add up!

From: Jason
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304885.29 in reply to 304885.28
Date: 07/04/2020 22:47:03
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
Wow, bad day to be a BallStar! I hate in injuries!! Tough break

This Post:
304885.30 in reply to 304885.29
Date: 07/06/2020 22:13:26
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Tonight's opening montage shows some stylish handling and fierce driving. A artistic eye show!

Announcer: as we glide towards the mid point of the program lots of teams still have to take into account cup concerns versus league obligations. Where the various managers fall on that spectrum will dictate a lot about this evening's results.

Delta has a manageable matchup while the jests pretty much are at the whims of their opponent for Thursday.

The Iguanas and exiles both get the benefit of being treated kindly by the matchup gods.

It's well documented that the storm has the misfortune to be booked for a extended stay with the pistons, how this plays out is anyone's guess.

Love took a early leave from the cup, and they may not get the benefit of any leniency from the cacti who practically have a pass for the next round.

The stars are not in position to align against advant who also get the benefit of a break in their matchup.

Both the tigers and leapers look to have their hands full Thursday with the latter taking on one of last seasons demotees

The bullets have a break for Thursday while the generals have a tricky assignment on tap

While 10th is looking down the barrel of a brutal matchup for Thursday which makes the matter of their matchup with a wildcats club already out of the festivities problematic

Sybil seers into her crystal ball. Tonight's point counterpoint I sets the best methods for dealing with the issues regarding having enough to reload on short notice for stout opposition. And it's another edition of vox populi where the people weigh in on the issues of focus on the cup versus playing for league concerns. So stay tuned to see which way things turn as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 07/06/2020 22:15:24

From: Jason

This Post:
304885.31 in reply to 304885.28
Date: 07/09/2020 03:42:33
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey they might not show up on the Economy page but transportation costs add up!

Hoping for the buy one victory get one free deal

From: Joe D.

This Post:
304885.32 in reply to 304885.31
Date: 07/10/2020 11:40:25
Diorite Pistons
Overall Posts Rated:
your welcome

From: Jason

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304885.33 in reply to 304885.32
Date: 07/10/2020 16:26:45
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
your welcome

Thanks lol Just wish I knew in advance, could have saved some game-shape. Good luck the rest of the way
