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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: sleet
This Post:
308441.24 in reply to 308441.23
Date: 3/25/2021 7:55:34 PM
Village Idiots
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Tranquility Base
Question for the candidates: what will you do to attract more people's interest in the NT and in developing those players?

From: khenry

This Post:
308441.25 in reply to 308441.23
Date: 3/25/2021 10:00:44 PM
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Vote français?

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
From: fury508

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308441.26 in reply to 308441.25
Date: 3/25/2021 11:28:15 PM
Wilmington Tiger Sharks
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Waipahu Fighting Cocks
Lafayette for USA NT Manager?

This Post:
308441.27 in reply to 308441.19
Date: 3/26/2021 2:18:49 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
American exceptionalism is a myth, and it's holds us back far more than it motivates us in competitive situations.

From: GForce03

This Post:
308441.30 in reply to 308441.27
Date: 3/26/2021 3:18:53 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0
Agreed, both in Buzzerbeater and in real life.

This Post:
308441.31 in reply to 308441.24
Date: 3/26/2021 2:52:16 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0

Question for the candidates: what will you do to attract more people's interest in the NT and in developing those players?

Can all candidates answer this question please

Last edited by GForce03 at 3/26/2021 2:52:24 PM

This Post:
308441.32 in reply to 308441.31
Date: 3/26/2021 5:30:10 PM
ETBU Tigers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dr. of Dubanomics
I think its important to note that in my opinion khenry did try and get people involved. We could argue all day about why that didn’t happen. The easier answer here is not to point fingers but to put our heads together and see how to actually get more people involved. Lambini you should implement your strategy to get more managers involved whether you win or not. The same is true for whoever secures the nomination. We don’t have to agree on all things about this game to still encourage other USA members to help. It’s much easier to scout, game plan, manage the pipeline, and take a long approach to our countries success when more managers are willing to actually help. Not give their 2 cents on discord or the forum.

I have played this game along time and wasn’t active on the discord or really with anyone in the forums for much of that time. The last 2 years I’ve gotten involved after another user specifically reached out to me and invited me to discuss the game more. My plan to get people interested is to continue the open dialogue via the USA discord channel and through the BB forum but also to reach out to people individually and ask for their input/participation. The group of BB managers that I am apart of gives advice on most aspects of the game and because of that I think we are all better managers and have seen success. I would lean on the contacts I’ve already made and encourage them to reach out to players in their leagues and that have come across their paths. In doing so I believe we can get a wider range of people involved in the NT process and tactical game planning.

I am not afraid to try new things and give people a chance at implementing various strategies they suggest. I fully believe that to be successful at this game on the NT level you absolutely can’t do it alone. So I plan on helping in this area again whether I’m elected or not, because that will make our NT stronger.

This Post:
308441.34 in reply to 308441.33
Date: 3/27/2021 8:01:01 AM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Question for the candidates: what will you do to attract more people's interest in the NT and in developing those players?

Answer is, you don't.

Every election this question gets asked. The typical answer is you try to reach out to managers and bring them to the discord where people can share ideas and training plans.

This is not the way BB works. It's a nice idea of course but many NT coaches have tried it before with little success.

The reality is that there is less interest in NT teams than ever seen before and the little interest we have is declining.

How do we fix it? There isn't an answer for that with a harshly declining user base. What we can do is utilize the tools we have to the best of our ability. Either that or give away supporter package for managers that train NT caliber players.

How do we increase interest in the NT, talk about it more in the forums, literally go into the season threads and leave a link for whichever discord you like, so players can interact with others not just for game based discussion but in general as well.

In terms of trying to increase the user base, when is the last time you talked to someone about joining the game? Word of mouth is still our best advertising.
