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BB Danmark > Pressemeddelelser


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69650.24 in reply to 69650.23
Date: 02/21/2009 14:43:06
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Thrilla in manilla! Eller bare en tæt kamp?

What a game. Tonight the bears fought to live another day. But tomorrow they again face death when the come to DL Forum for the last game of the season, the match for all the glory and gold!

"We don't have room for 2nd. place tropheys in our trophy room, so fagaet abou deet..., it's done and over. We played it cool tonight as we wanted to bring the trophy back to it's rightfull place and bring out the champagne after tomorrows game"

Watch the deciding game tomorrow. Same time, new arena!

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69650.25 in reply to 69650.24
Date: 02/22/2009 16:21:00
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Champs, Champs, Champs, Champs!
Double double champs.

For the second straight season, the Danish Lakers have won both the cup and the danish championship. After a very tough season, we were once again victoruious. Playoffs were very close, and getting through Bakken Bears in the finals was much harder than we expected.

Next season will be next to impossible to repeat as "the double" champs as our rivals keep getting better.

We now have some rosterchanges to look ahead to and it will be a big puzzle to put together. We are looking for a superstar quality SF to compliment our roster, hopefully we'll find one in time for the new season.

But for now, it's time to get our party on in the clubhouse as we celebrate the newest championship!

Tak til dem som har været med til den gang gas der har kørt på denne tråd under finalerne. Til dem der kunne undre sig over den skumle tone i nogle af de sindsyge pressemeddelelser, så kan det oplyses at Hr. Seldrup (Bakken Bears) og jeg arbejder ved siden af hinnanden i lufthavnen, spiller basket sammen en gang om ugen og udover det er ret gode venner. Så det var ren gas og en fornøjelse at møde ham i finalen. Han har sgu fået et godt hold på kort tid og det blir spændende at følge hans hold fremover. Tak for en god sæson til alle, held og lykke med jeres draft og den kommende sæson.

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69650.26 in reply to 69650.25
Date: 02/23/2009 09:29:36
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hmm mon ikke begge hold har brugt blod doping!? ;p

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69650.27 in reply to 69650.1
Date: 03/20/2009 13:18:05
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We are very proud that Bardur Munason (8238746) is now a part of the Iceland U21 team. This is no surprise to us - he is a remarkable talent.

Edited 3/20/2009 12:55:36 PM by Blacksword

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69650.28 in reply to 69650.27
Date: 03/25/2009 14:28:26
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BBB thriller!
WOW! Best game in DL history! Amazing game from the boys.....! Nothing can be said to explain they joy over this win! Check out min 47 and last minute in overtime, incredible crunch´time play from our great players!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!

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69650.29 in reply to 69650.28
Date: 03/31/2009 10:18:20
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The BBB challenge.
Tomorrow night, DL will face possibly the toughest task in team history as we face the portugese 5time champs, Abrantes Basket.

They are known for their extreme inside defence and wild home crowd. So tactics will be everything in this game and we put our slim to none chances at 15% to get away with a win.

"We need to fire on all cylinders and focus on team ball. If we get into a duel inside, we need to keep our cool and move the ball around, not let the crowd and their monsters underneath the basket scare us. If we stick it to them and limit their easy baskets, we might have a chance" said team manager/owner/coach Worthy42.

But first off, we need a win in tonights game against rivals from Fjaltring.

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69650.30 in reply to 69650.29
Date: 04/01/2009 05:39:46
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Tak for denne gang

Hejsa venner. Efter denne sæson vælger jeg ikke at opstille som landstræner igen. Tiden er ikke til det mere. Men da jeg har vundet alt som er at vinde i den danske liga og ikke har mulighed for at opnå at blive BBB mester de næste mange sæsoner vælger jeg helt at stoppe med spillet. Jeg er sgu også gået hen og blevet fan af spillet battrick (online cricket manager) så man kan ikke nå det hele. Jeg vil gøre hvad jeg kan for at slutte sæsonen af med et brag og vinde både cup og DM. Men så er det også slut. Det har været en fornøjelse at spille og måske, hvem ved.... det kan jo være jeg starter op en dag med et svenskt hold da jeg jo bor i Malmö. Men husk, hvis i skal slå mig, så skal det være indeværende sæson......

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69650.31 in reply to 69650.30
Date: 04/01/2009 07:57:37
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NEEEEEJJJJJ.....jeg havde jo den store plan fremme så jeg på fair vis kunne blive mester næste sæson....det bliver jo ikke helt det samme uden Lakers, hvis det lykkes at hjemføre titlen..

Anyway...håber du kommer tilbage til spillet engang.

Battrick....har prøvet det....og det er lidt svært når man ikke er helt skarp i cricket reglerne.

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69650.34 in reply to 69650.31
Date: 04/01/2009 12:44:43
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Aaarh....Mon dog. Det var da en underlig dag at annoncere et BB stop på ;-)
