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I spent here all my career...

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From: perp06

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140380.3 in reply to 140380.2
Date: 04/13/2010 08:57:43
Overall Posts Rated:
maybe there should be an experience factor involved... take the spurs.. there core players have been together for like 8 years.. they work better together than teams who shuffle players in and out every season.. it is a major part of the game.. maybe the BB's can take this into account next season

From: rcvaz

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140380.4 in reply to 140380.3
Date: 04/13/2010 09:00:08
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Yeah, that would be an interesting thing, a "chemistry factor". Post in the suggestions forum ;)

This Post:
140380.6 in reply to 140380.5
Date: 04/13/2010 14:27:13
Overall Posts Rated:
Yeah, I see what you're saying, it's a factor that's too difficult to predict. And it would involve adding personalities to the players and that would be too complex. The Pistons had the same core for a number of years and it meant successive trips to the conf finals, but you may argue that they only got one championship out of that run