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Canada - III.4 > Season 28

Season 28

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From: Willis
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261038.3 in reply to 261038.2
Date: 7/17/2014 8:36:15 PM
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Props to Winners BC for the sly move he pulled to get a win in his cup game vs. the 12th ranked St. Louis Beasts. Well done.

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261038.4 in reply to 261038.3
Date: 7/18/2014 11:11:07 AM
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Thank you Willis.

It's sad to see the St. Louis Beasts announce that they will retire from the game a couple of hours after the cup game was played.

I do have a 115k centre which is very solid for the next week. So I will use him for 3 more league games and 1 more cup game. Hopefully he helps offset the decrease in my enthusiasm from the last game I CT'ed and my Game Shape hopefully isn't that bad.

Last edited by onetwothree at 7/18/2014 11:12:39 AM

From: Omole

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261038.5 in reply to 261038.1
Date: 7/31/2014 5:55:23 PM
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i know weve been horrible so far but ive got the trainer that can turn this team around along with the money by the end of the season we could be in the playoffs plus were still in the cup weve got talent dont count us out just yet

This Post:
261038.6 in reply to 261038.1
Date: 8/6/2014 9:11:53 AM
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Took over the 'Raptors de Toronto'. Hopefully I can turn things around, but will have to wait till I can start buying from the transfer market

This Post:
261038.7 in reply to 261038.6
Date: 8/6/2014 9:19:02 AM
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Welcome to III.4! You're best bet would probably be to write this season off and concern yourself with expanding your arena first. Is this your first time playing BB?

Last edited by Willis at 8/6/2014 9:21:20 AM

This Post:
261038.8 in reply to 261038.6
Date: 8/6/2014 6:47:10 PM
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Some advice do NOT go and buy a bunch of cheap 30+ yr old guys that are on the market, its a bad investment, it may be tempting but do not buy them, they just depreciate in value. Like what Willis said; expand your arena this season, and maybe buy some solid players around 20-27(8) yrs old at around the 7-20k salary. if you go and buy some 30K+ salary superstar it might be bad for your teams economy.

This Post:
261038.9 in reply to 261038.7
Date: 8/6/2014 11:22:29 PM
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Thanks for the advice guys. Actually I've played before under a different account but got busy in rl, plus a bit frustrated with the team and quit. I'm going to make a determined push to stay and make this team good.

Yea, i figure this/next season is a wash but will hope to develop some young players. But i cant wait to replace the dead weight with better players. Saumong, I hear you about not wasting money with expensive oldies, though maybe start with one or two better players to carry the team till i can afford some real help. Kinda like how i built my Charazay team.

Either way, thanks for the warm greetings and best of luck to the coming season and beyond

This Post:
261038.10 in reply to 261038.9
Date: 8/6/2014 11:39:45 PM
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Best of luck HeatedEnd!

I would actually recommend buying oldies just low salary oldies. You can get rid of the deadweight and find serviceable 30 year old players for really cheap. Just make sure the salaries are less than 10k (max) per player. Try to stay around the salary floor in the first couple seasons because you won't be winning a championship any time soon. But its all about finances and building an arena.

The reason id recommend starting with oldies instead of 24 - 29 y/o players is that they are cheap. You can get the same player at age 32 he would be $50 000 and at age 26 he would be $150 000... Cheap quick upgrade will hep you start winning some games quickly and it will help your finances because more people will show up at your arena. But don't spend just save, build arena, save, build arena, etc...

Thats just my take on that. If you ever got any question message me. Good luck!

This Post:
261038.11 in reply to 261038.10
Date: 8/25/2014 10:55:26 AM
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New here...very new. (brother inlaw referred me)
Hoping to be here a very long time and build "KidBrant" from the ground up.

I have no idea what I am doing, right now trying to read up on the rules and strategies. I would appreciate any and all advice :)

This Post:
261038.12 in reply to 261038.11
Date: 8/25/2014 4:39:03 PM
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Welcome! Here are two very helpful links that will surely lead you to BuzzerBeater Success!

Don't worrying about winning to many games this season, for a young team like you i would just focus on building arena and saving up abit of cash for the offseason to upgrade your team, save up some draft point and hope you get lucky in the draft.

This Post:
261038.13 in reply to 261038.12
Date: 8/25/2014 11:11:25 PM
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Really...don't spend draft points on scouting now?
