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Australia - IV.7 > Fishbowl S12

Fishbowl S12

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242491.33 in reply to 242491.32
Date: 06/07/2013 20:18:31
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r we planning 2 start next friday or friday week?

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242491.34 in reply to 242491.33
Date: 06/07/2013 21:23:45
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I should hopefully be a little more active next season with my team slowly improving...

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242491.35 in reply to 242491.34
Date: 06/07/2013 23:01:46
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after so long of being a deadly enemy u join us & suck right away :P

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242491.36 in reply to 242491.35
Date: 06/09/2013 05:56:56
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Bring on the next season...

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242491.37 in reply to 242491.35
Date: 06/10/2013 05:10:24
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Haha I was with you last season and sucked and you loved it :-p

This Post:
242491.38 in reply to 242491.37
Date: 06/10/2013 05:52:19
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lol true that gave me the chance 2 go 4 it this season thx xoxox

From: akuma
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242491.39 in reply to 242491.38
Date: 06/10/2013 08:10:03
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Hello all. Signups closed.
In total, we have 17 signups.. 12 "fcuk yeah!"s and 5 "ho hums"

We have a few options:
1. Proceed with 1 league with 12 competitors
2. Go with our traditional 2 leagues to include the tentative guys. We would need 2 leagues of 8, or 2 leagues of 10 if we can get 3 more signups.
3. Do one huge league of 16 (which will take forever to complete). We could have no finals to shorten it a bit.

I am leaning towards option 1 myself. Better to have 1 league of 12 active participants than two leagues with some of the members either tanking/rebuilding, or not really taking an active interest.


I think it may be getting a bit too late to aim for a start this week, altho if we decide to go with option 1 and everyone gets their act together quickly we may be able to pull it off.

Let's make a decision by tomorrow night.

Here's the list of signups, let me know if I've missed anyone or got anyone wrong. Vipers and YPB, I've put you on the Sharks team cos ur awesome.

TeamAkuma (ABBL)
Urmummas (ABBL)
Gladiators (Div 2)
Coin Collectors (ABBL)
Geelong vipers (Div 2)
Yarra Park Bears (ABBL)

Seagulls (ABBL)
Titans (Div 2)
Shooters (Div 3)
Magick (Div 3)
Goldfish (ABBL)
Chumunga (Div 2)

Undecided (tentative guys, making up numbers, etc)
Xerxes (ABBL)
Bogans (Div 2)
Home Axis (Div 2)
JW City Bulls (Div 2)
Awesome (Div 2)
Thats how you get ants (div 3)

Last edited by akuma at 06/10/2013 08:35:52

From: yodabig

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242491.40 in reply to 242491.39
Date: 06/10/2013 08:14:05
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I could do it myself but wont get time for a couple of days but we could send a message to everyone that played this season and let them know we are starting friday week. I think two leagues of 10 is the best, great length of season and a chance to divide the elite like Koop and Fishy from the still developing.

From: akuma

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242491.41 in reply to 242491.39
Date: 06/10/2013 08:15:50
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hmm just read the list in my previous post looks a little unbalanced when looking at which divisions each team will belong to.
Perhaps you could dip into your free agency pool (the undecided guys)
On the other hand, Vipers and YPB have indicated they are free agents and are willing to play for either side, so you could possibly pick up Geelong / YPB and we could grab someone from your side to even things up?

From: MrGoodKat

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242491.42 in reply to 242491.41
Date: 06/10/2013 08:19:08
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how about we just crush them into submission!

Garrie Addison (18085302). The G-Adder striking blows since season 15
From: akuma

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242491.43 in reply to 242491.40
Date: 06/10/2013 08:21:21
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I'm a bit hesitant to do that cos I kinda want to renew interest and get guys that have an active interest in playing, rather than guys that have to be convinced to play, know what i mean?

I do see ur point though, having an ABBL and a Div 3 team competing against each other in the same league is pretty crazy.
