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BuzzerBeater USA Discord Channel

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From: WardoYT

This Post:
284040.36 in reply to 284040.33
Date: 11/21/2018 14:58:10
Overall Posts Rated:
Why are you against me did you know what happen last night.

From: stabby
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284040.37 in reply to 284040.36
Date: 11/21/2018 19:24:11
Overall Posts Rated:
Let’s not get this thread locked though.

If you’re not in the discord group you should definitely think about joining! A lot of knowledge for those looking to take their management skills to the next level!

From: WardoYT

This Post:
284040.38 in reply to 284040.37
Date: 11/21/2018 19:32:58
Overall Posts Rated:
I want to join but the top or head henge aint allowing me and most of them never had a usa under 21 player.

From: WardoYT

This Post:
284040.39 in reply to 284040.37
Date: 11/21/2018 19:32:59
Overall Posts Rated:
I want to join but the top or head henge aint allowing me and most of them never had a usa under 21 player.

From: khenry

This Post:
284040.40 in reply to 284040.36
Date: 11/21/2018 22:07:52
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I’m not against you. Simply asking for further explanations on the specifics of your exploits as they pertain to insight into this game we all love.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
From: WardoYT

This Post:
284040.41 in reply to 284040.40
Date: 11/21/2018 23:12:31
Overall Posts Rated:
Study the engine bread and butter

From: khenry

This Post:
284040.42 in reply to 284040.41
Date: 11/22/2018 09:07:31
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That might be your worst explanation of a lie about your knowledge of this game to date.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
This Post:
284040.43 in reply to 284040.42
Date: 11/22/2018 11:21:39
Greensboro Generals
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That might be your worst explanation of a lie about your knowledge of this game to date.

Pardon me sir, I speak ward.

Now what the ward one is proposing putting into development is a mechanism that will suggest just what sort of stats can be accumulated by a player. Where he is missing the boat is understanding how the level of competition affects those raw numbers. Under his logic a player who posts a great statline against bad competition should be able to replicate that against stouter opponents. He also wants to contend that if player A puts together a more impressive night, week or season than a player B who plays against better competition that the former is the better of the two players. We all know he is wrong, but that's his story and he's sticking to it.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 11/22/2018 19:59:53

This Post:
284040.44 in reply to 284040.9
Date: 11/22/2018 22:33:43
Overall Posts Rated:
That ship has sailed. Or in your case sank. There literally has been some hand wringing discussions on the matter. Some supportive towards you, some concerned about your sometimes unstable presence and belligerent attitude, and others who are actually violently opposed to the concept of your presence.

@Lambini - The Ward One's antics and subsequent banning revealed the discord for the black hole of free speech that it is. Forbidding even the mention of his name according to a non-public 'code of conduct' that only the admins know of is the equivalent of passing a 'bill of attainder'. Any students of history would recognize that practice in the US as a pre-revolutionary action by the crown/parliament that stripped individuals of their due process, property, and even their freedom without trial. It was one of conditions the colonials rose in revolt against.

When I pressed the admins on that issue and requested that their 'codes of conduct' be posted pubicly. The stock response was that I could leave if I didn't like it. I ended up taking their advice but not before stating that if they weren't interested in the principles that the US was founded on they should consider a new name for their private chat.

It's fine if they banish members for violating rules but if the rules are never posted then it's essentially the whims of admin judges of Megacity. I'll take my chances out in the Cursed Earth.

This Post:
284040.45 in reply to 284040.43
Date: 11/22/2018 22:45:03
Overall Posts Rated:
No I am not wrong. I don't have the willing to do it all over again. I would take b in a heart beat. I think player b is a hidden gem in the dirt.

This Post:
284040.46 in reply to 284040.44
Date: 11/22/2018 23:24:10
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
That ship has sailed. Or in your case sank. There literally has been some hand wringing discussions on the matter. Some supportive towards you, some concerned about your sometimes unstable presence and belligerent attitude, and others who are actually violently opposed to the concept of your presence.

@Lambini - The Ward One's antics and subsequent banning revealed the discord for the black hole of free speech that it is. Forbidding even the mention of his name according to a non-public 'code of conduct' that only the admins know of is the equivalent of passing a 'bill of attainder'. Any students of history would recognize that practice in the US as a pre-revolutionary action by the crown/parliament that stripped individuals of their due process, property, and even their freedom without trial. It was one of conditions the colonials rose in revolt against.

When I pressed the admins on that issue and requested that their 'codes of conduct' be posted pubicly. The stock response was that I could leave if I didn't like it. I ended up taking their advice but not before stating that if they weren't interested in the principles that the US was founded on they should consider a new name for their private chat.

It's fine if they banish members for violating rules but if the rules are never posted then it's essentially the whims of admin judges of Megacity. I'll take my chances out in the Cursed Earth.

I of course understand being the freedom-loving American that I can tell you are that you consider this a violation of due process. Yet to put this by comparison with a bill of attainder is a little bit off base. it is a private institution the Discord chat and it is up to the founders of this channel to decide whom they want to have as part of the group. He has been pining for a very long time to be a part of the Discord activities. however as I said before this is very much a case of the fact that it just becomes too disruptive to be worth the trouble of having him in the group. While I can appreciate your desire to have some verifiable guidelines for what would be considered appropriate on that channel in the end it comes down to just not playing the fool. In the end it would just be too much of a headache to handle.
