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MVP discussion

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292893.4 in reply to 292893.3
Date: 03/27/2018 21:38:30
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Getting chippy at the end of my game; Pettri Pirhonen was assessed a technical foul with about 2 minutes left and has to sit now

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292893.5 in reply to 292893.4
Date: 03/28/2018 10:07:46
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It was a fun game, but I fell.. 2nd quarter was a complete disaster. See you next season!

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292893.6 in reply to 292893.3
Date: 04/09/2018 16:07:24
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My pg and shooting guard are not ready yet. If I can get them up to par i can do alot winning in stead of 5/50 result. I have no Bench pg training just take so damn long. Also Im getting a new computer. So those are my excuses till net season

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292893.7 in reply to 292893.1
Date: 07/01/2018 00:29:56
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I decided to bring this back again and discuss the MVP candidates this season.

Elias Baldriz: the best player on the #1 ranked team in the Big 8, his impressive but not amazing stats make him only a longshot to win the award
Leopoldo Joya: one of the league leaders in rebounding but doesn't have the scoring to back it up in terms of MVP votes
Mortiz Tilge: Good efficient scorer on a 19-6 team but doesn't really have anything else to go with it
Eric Bouquillon: same as Tilge except on a 21-1 team

Legit Shot, not THE frontrunner:
Johannes Gerhardt Gaugl: stat sheet stuffer on a .500 team. Backpacks for his team like no other player in this league with maybe 1 exception
Dositeo Cousido: that exception is this man, who I've mentioned several times as a guy who can get buckets in bunches at any time in the game. Other than Sloan last year, the most electrifying offensive player I've seen in this league.
Clint Watson: being 3rd in scoring and 5th in assists in the league being on a 21-1 team makes you a legit MVP candidate. That being said, he's the #2 candidate on his own team.

Arnulfo Jándula: He's second in points and first in assists in the league while being on a 21-1 team. Even though he choked away the end of the game in their 1 loss, his stats and team record are too good for him not to be the MVP frontrunner.

Other Notes: Big Beavers, who impressed with how strong they looked down the stretch, had 3 good players who I considered in the first segment but their stats weren't quite up to par with everyone and they have more of a committee approach than a guy who's a clear best player. Hard2Guard had no guys with eye-catching stats except for Plot with his rebounding, but even then his numbers last year were definitely better; they, instead, had a beautiful scoring by committee approach that lead to 3 guys cracking the assists leaderboard. Finally, we get to my team where there was no clear dominant player either; unlike last year, where Bayramov had the scoring stretch surpassed only by Cousido's brilliance this season, there was no big-time force on the team that warranted MVP consideration even as a longshot.