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IV.64 Game Day Previews/Predictions

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From: Tryme79
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295215.4 in reply to 295215.3
Date: 07/27/2018 20:02:35
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IV.64 Game Day #3 Predictions

Another day, more games to talk about and predict. Here we go!

Cleveland Cavs(2-0) @ The Barack Oballers(0-2)
The Cavs blasted Whatever 128-61, while the Oballers lost to the Ninjas 65-116. The Oballers are basically trash and are falling apart. I expect a win for the Cavs 118-80.

Snake River Panther(0-2) @ BPE.Bombers(2-0)
The Bombers won @ the Devils 134-89, while the Panthers lost vs the Beavers 90-110. The Panthers are struggling to make an identity in this league, and their misery will continue with a 111-78 win for the Bombers.

The Duck City Ninjas(2-0) @ Heat Nation(2-0)
The Ninjas blasted the Oballers 116-65. They'll go 3-0 with a 130-69 win.

Nothing Was The Same(1-1) @ Big Beavers(2-0)
The Beavers won big @ Panthers 110-90. They'll win again 123-70.

Jersey Blazing Heat(2-0) @ Hard2Guard(2-0)
I was struggling to pick a game of the week, which'll be next. This is big, but Hard2Guard is better matched. The Heat won vs Heat Nation 121-78, while H2G won a nail biter @ Birdseye 99-91. H2G should go 3-0 with a 118-90 win at home.

GAME OF THE WEEK! WildHoochieKoos(1-1) @ Gators(2-0)
The Gators won @ Nothing Was the Same big time, while the Koos got a win against a computer team. While the Koos got blown out in the playoffs against the Gators last time, this I expect to be much closer. With a win, the Koos could make a statement since they lost to the Bombers in the season opener. The Gators have dominated both their opponents, even though one of them was a computer team. The Koos and Gators can be an interesting game. I thought about making the previous one the game of the week, but the Koos and Gators are more evenly matched. This game can and will determine if the Koos can stay in the hunt for a trophy. The Gators just need to keep up the great start to the season and get the W at home. After all this, the Gators should win a nailbiter 108-103.

BoytonBirdseye(1-1) @ Whatever(0-2)
The Birdseye suffered a heartbreaking loss vs H2G 99-91, and will look to get back on track. I expect them to do so 120-67.

That's all folks! Recaps will come in a couple days!

From: Tryme79
This Post:
295215.5 in reply to 295215.4
Date: 07/30/2018 21:53:26
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IV.64 Game Day #4 Previews/Predictions

More games, more teams to lose. Lets get to it!

The Barack Oballers(0-3) @ Boyton Birdseye(2-1)
The Oballers got blasted by Clemson 60-93 and the Birdseye beat a CPU team. The Birdseye are doing surprisingly well, and I expect them to win 110-96.

BPE.Bombers(3-0) @ Nothing Was The Same(1-2)
Really? Bombers blow em out 130-68.

Whatever(0-3) @ Jersey Blazing Heat(2-1)
The Heat got blasted @ H2G 59-94. They'll win soundly 114-66.

Appleton Club de Sport(0-3) @ Snake River Panthers(0-3)
The Panthers have gone through the worst of their schedule, and they'll finally get a win easily 112-66.

GAME OF THE WEEK! Hard2Guard(3-0) @ The Duck City Ninjas(3-0)
This is going to be fun as usual. Even though H2G will probably win, I can atleast put up a fight. We're both undefeated, though H2G has gone through the Cavs, Birdseye, and Heat, all user teams, while I've faced 2 CPU teams and an overrated Oballer's team. I can atleast try to do something. I am a bit confident seeing as Tilge put up 60 against Heat Nation, but he may be my 2nd option behind Pai, O'shea, and several dudes off the bench. With that said, this will be battle. Even if I lose by double digits, I expect it to be close. Will that happen, we'll see. H2G is clearly the team to beat, and while Rob says that I'm slightly better than the Cavs, I feel like they can beat me at home, maybe not on the road. To wrap this up, I think H2G will get a big win on the road 100-94.

Gators(3-0) @ Jammin Devils(0-3)
Gators win 130-60, nothing else to say!

SEMI GAME OF THE WEEK! Big Beavers (3-0) @ WildHoochieKoos(1-2)
The Koos are looking to get a signature win, while the Beavers are trying to get off to a great start to the season. The Koos lost big time to 2 major opponents, while the Beavers have handled their competition thus far. I expect the Koos to win 107-106.

Heat Nation(0-3) @ Clemson Cavs(2-1)
Not much to say except that the Cavs will win easily 124-69.

What can I say? I'm surprised that the Birdseye almost took out H2G. That gives me more confidence, but at the same time keeps me cautious. I think that I can do it, but probably not. It's sad to see the Koos and Panthers fall to what they have, but maybe they can make it up in the 2nd third of the season. I'll see what the Cavs do to me in a week. For me, the next 4 games are going to be interesting. 2 home games against H2G and the Birdseye, and 2 road game against the Cavs and Heat. Lets see what happens!

This Post:
295215.6 in reply to 295215.5
Date: 07/31/2018 09:09:27
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I saw that Cousido actually got sold. Can we take a moment to just...I'm gonna miss seeing him drop 40 bombs on most teams.

This Post:
295215.7 in reply to 295215.6
Date: 07/31/2018 13:06:58
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I'm surprised to see Cousido go. He was probably just sold to make some salary space.

This Post:
295215.8 in reply to 295215.7
Date: 07/31/2018 14:08:55
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probably, though there's another player with a higher salary on the team and the overall team salary is low if you look on the team. The team salary is way below league average with or without Cousido. Maybe they're struggling to bring in ticket revenue? But that wouldn't make much sense because Cousido is the most electric player that was on the team.

From: Tryme79
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295215.9 in reply to 295215.5
Date: 08/02/2018 11:31:09
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IV.64 Game Day #5 Preview/Predictions

Interesting games happened on Tuesday, and more are going to be played on Saturday! Start time!

Hard2Guard(3-1) @ The Barack Oballers(0-4)
H2G surprisingly lost to Duck City 107-113, but somehow I won. The Oballers are trash now, and I expect H2G to win easily 120-70.

Clemson Cavs(3-1) @ Jersey Blazing Heat(3-1)
Jersey is looking for a key win, and they have a chance as they host the Cavs. The Heat blasted Whatever 129-82 while the Cavs ate Heat Nation. This game might go down to the wire, depending on if the Heat go crunch time and try to get the upset. Nevertheless, the Cavs should get the road win 120-111.

WildHoochieKoos(1-3) @ Snake River Panthers
This is both teams last chance to prove themselves against the top. The Panthers and Koos are desperate for wins, and they need them badly. With that said, I take the Koos 110-84.

Appleton Club de Sport(0-4) @ Big Beavers(4-0)
The Beavers got a huge OT win @ Koos 142-136. They'll win again 124-70.

SEMI GAME OF THE WEEK! Boyton Birdseye(3-1) @ The Duck City Ninjas(4-0)
What a 4 game stretch, hosting H2G and Birdseye, then going on the road against the Cavs and Heat. This one should be just as fun as when I hosted H2G. The Birdseye can prove themselves with this win, while the Ninjas can stay undefeated with a win. The Birdseye don't have their starting PG while the Ninjas don't have their starting SG. This game will go down to the final minutes and will be decided by who can do better in crunch time. I think the Ninjas will win 110-107.

GAME OF THE WEEK! BPE.Bomber(4-0) @ Gators(4-0)
This is going to be a shootout! The Bombers and Gators both have great guy who can do great things in great times. That's a mouthful. Anyway, the Bombers and Gators are both undefeated, which makes this game even more interesting. The Bombers's only competition in the division seems to be Gators. They can take out the Koos and Beavers. The Gators want that #1 seed badly. While it's still the 1st third of the season, the Gators really want that top seed. With that said,I don't know how to predict this. It seems like the Bombers have had the overall edge on the Gators the past couple seasons, but I feel like this time the Gators will have to upper hand. I think that the Gators will win in OT 117-114.

Notes: Several more fun games to watch. It'll be interesting to see how the 2 CPU games play out. This season, it seems to me like the Gators can get to the finals if they play their cards right. We'll see what happens as we go through the 2nd third of the season. Recaps will come in a couple days!

From: Tryme79
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295215.10 in reply to 295215.9
Date: 10/28/2018 20:05:02
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IV.64 Game Day #1 Recaps

I figured I'd try to keep this thing going. I'll just go over all games, and will do more with user v user games.

Los Angeles Clipperz @ Boyton Birdseye(
The Birdseye home opener was huge success with a near 100 point blowout of a crappy CPU team. Up next they're @ DC Ninjas.

Hard2Guard @ The Barack Oballers
This win for the Oballers showed that their rebuild has gone well. I expect all teams to start looking out for the Oballers as they could be a contender for a league championship with this type of win. H2G has some work to do to stay competitive in this league as they may be vulnerable. We'll see what happens when they have their home opener against the CPU Trackers.The Oballers want to build on this and can with a game @ LA Clipperz.

The Duck City Ninjas @ Jersey Blazing Heat
I was shocked to see how it ended. I stop watching it with 4 minutes left with my team in a double-digit hole. Somehow, they committed a bad foul with time expiring, and I won 112-111. I went into the replay and now my PG is injured, which is "great." Even with that injury, I still pulled out the win. Guess I have a very tough game in my home opener against the Birdseye while the Heat go one the road @ the now CPU team Cavs.

BPE.Bombers @ Big Beavers
The Bombers won a close one 108-96. Now, the Bombers have to be a fav for the league championship at this point with the Gators gone now. Next, the Bomber host the Koos in their home opener while the Beavers go on the road against the Panthers.

Snake River Panthers @ Brooklyn Blackbirds
Panthers win, surprise. NOT!

Not much else to cover, the Koos blew out a CPU, while 2 CPU teams battled.

From: Tryme79
This Post:
295215.11 in reply to 295215.10
Date: 10/29/2018 20:18:59
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IV.64 Game Day #2 Preview/Predictions

I just realized I put recaps in the wrong space. Oh well! Here we go with these set of games.

WildHoochieKoos(1-0) @ BPE.Bombers(1-0)
Both these teams come off of good wins to start off the season in the win column. First of all, the Bombers are the favorite to win the Big 8 and maybe even win it all. The Koos were disappointing last season with a dismal record and will look to get a marquee win. With that said, I think the Bombers take care of business easily 99-80.

The Barack Oballers(1-0) @ Los Angeles Clipperz(0-1)
Oballers win easily against a moronic CPU team.

Big Beavers(0-1) @ Snake River Panthers(1-0)
The Beavers look to get a huge win against a Panthers team that can be a force this season and this'll is the first time to see how the rebuild has done. The Beavers want to get to .500 but they have to face the home crowd. Panthers are seem very good and could even rival the Great 8 juggernauts. I think that the Panther's rebuild will show us good and they win 110-104.

Blue Ridge Trackers(0-1) @ Hard2Guard(0-1)
Both winless teams, but H2G takes them down hard.

GAME OF THE WEEK! Boyton Birdseye(1-0) @ The Duck City Ninjas(1-0)
Both undefeated teams that the Birdseye sweeped the series last season 3-0. You know I want revenge, and I have a solid chance at home. I still don't really know how I am 1-0 following a huge comeback against the Heat. I am a little nervous since my starting PG is injured and might not even play my primetime Saturday matchup against the restocked Oballers on the road. With all this said, this game can go both ways. Whoever wins, I doubt it'll be a double digit win. The Birdseye are fully stocked with a solid roster, while my new starting PG is out so I'm basically back to my starting lineup I had all last season. We'll see how this goes, but I think the Birdseye will win a nailbiter 112-110. Heck, maybe it'll go to OT.

Jersey Blazing Heat(0-1) @ Clemson Cavs(0-1)
Two things shock me with this matchup. First, the Heat aren't 1-0, and second, the Cavs went inactive and are now just a useless CPU team. The Heat will obviously win this in a huge blowout. I just don't know why the Cavs went inactive, it's sad that this game is losing good people. As I said b4, Heat wins easily.

That's it. Lets see how my picks hold up.