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Tactics v.s. team balanced is it?

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From: VitB6

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4260.4 in reply to 4260.3
Date: 10/29/2007 00:39:00
Overall Posts Rated:
Good question Markoss. I would assume that there would have been a difference, but the question is how much of a difference.

Thanks for the reponse Forrest.

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4260.5 in reply to 4260.2
Date: 10/30/2007 16:15:20
Overall Posts Rated:
actually he had you by 1/3 of a level in outside scoring
you had him by 2/3 of a level in inside scoring
he had you slightly in perimeter defense.

Do these comments mean that it's better to compare offense vs. offense and defense vs. defense in analyzing our games? Not like HT where its offense vs. defense?

This Post:
4260.6 in reply to 4260.5
Date: 10/30/2007 17:14:34
1986 Celtics
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no i was just challenging his assertion that one team was better than the other.

This Post:
4260.7 in reply to 4260.6
Date: 10/31/2007 00:36:55
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no i was just challenging his assertion that one team was better than the other.

If I have much better inside off, and slight better outside than his ins/out def...should i play with higher pace then to do more FG chances?
or should i think the other way around..? Think my team has pretty bad stamina (inept, medicore or worse....)

This Post:
4260.8 in reply to 4260.7
Date: 10/31/2007 15:35:43
1986 Celtics
Overall Posts Rated:
i'd ask some fellow players this type of question... i don't want to give any official answer.

From: Cradal
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4260.9 in reply to 4260.8
Date: 11/02/2007 03:00:28
Overall Posts Rated:
(excuse my poor english)

Someone asked something i found interesting and i think nobody answered him.

If i play, e.g, 1vs1 defence and I get an awful medium outside defence, will this rating change if i play 3-2? OR will I get a better outside defence WHILE the rating remains awful medium?

I hope you understand me ... ^^