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USA - III.13 > S42


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293463.5 in reply to 293463.4
Date: 04/13/2018 15:30:01
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Welcome! Great to have new people enjoying the game .... don’t get frustrated with the learning / building / learning curve.

Unfortunately, you promoted to one of the 2 most difficult D3 leagues. Without significant investment in your team, the Vegas odds are not good .... However, you will get a very nice attendance bump for promoting, and you have an opportunity to make some cash this season from ticket sales.

A couple seasons ago, I would have offered lessons from my 8 years+ Playing this game. Unfortunately, I have been very humbled / humiliated by the teams here. I can offer tidbits here and there ... but others have volumes of information if they are willing to share!

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293463.6 in reply to 293463.4
Date: 04/13/2018 16:00:17
Wisconsin Grizzly Squirrels
Overall Posts Rated:
I haven't visited the forums in awhile, but I had picked up good info there, especially in some of the pinned topics.

First of all, one thing I always do is Train. To do this, you need to identify one or two young players with good potential that you want to develop - and if you train multiple players, it is better if they are at the same positions - this way they will bump more quickly. If you don't have one on your team, go out and buy one.

Scout your opponents - you can sometime sneak a win if you see a trend in which offenses they are running, especially if they underestimate you. On a related note, don't get stuck in one offense (though anyone who has been scouting me the past couple of seasons probably can tell which offense I've been using 85% of the time). Especially until you find one that really works for your squad.

Explore the Game Manual, and any of the other links on the side here - I think familiarity really helps with feeling comfortable with what you're doing here, or in any game.

I was a Supporter for a few years, and sometimes I really miss that - there are some fun things you can do there. So, it depends on how much time you want to spend here if you want to go that route.

Well, that's just off the top of my head. Just try new things. Ask questions here, I won't mind giving my 2 cents worth!

Good luck. and most importantly - Have fun!


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293463.7 in reply to 293463.4
Date: 04/15/2018 14:11:46
San Dominica Warriors
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You made it to D III in three seasons! You should be advising us. I think I speak for most of us in saying that your journey to D III was a lot shorter than ours. It took 10 just for me to get here the first time.

You'll be fine. Experience is the best teacher and just playing will be the only real way to find out the most important question which is what kind of team do you want. Everything else is just making that question reality

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293463.10 in reply to 293463.9
Date: 04/17/2018 13:28:24
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Does trainer level impact ‘team training’ speed? If I get a WC trainer, will I get more pops training free throws than with an advanced trainer?

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293463.11 in reply to 293463.8
Date: 04/17/2018 22:57:56
Wisconsin Grizzly Squirrels
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wow, it's been a decade in bb years! I spent one season in a II league, then here ever since. I guess I find it comfortable at this level!

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293463.12 in reply to 293463.10
Date: 04/17/2018 23:08:58
Wisconsin Grizzly Squirrels
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I imagine the higher level trainer might do that. I'm too cheap to pay the higher salary though. I think superior staff is a decent level. The key is probably consistency, though - training the sane thing for a few weeks in a row to assure pops.
I'm not sure which focus is best either. I do prefer the crowd involvement for PR manager to get bigger gates.

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293463.14 in reply to 293463.13
Date: 04/18/2018 11:30:04
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks for the replies.

I can’t believe we have a bot team ...... 1st one in forever.

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293463.15 in reply to 293463.14
Date: 04/18/2018 12:02:46
Wisconsin Grizzly Squirrels
Overall Posts Rated:
Guess he couldn't take the back-to-back demotion seasons.... before that, looks like he's been around for 30 seasons!
