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BB Moldova > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Ennigma

This Post:
276961.6 in reply to 276961.5
Date: 02/18/2016 08:11:48
Overall Posts Rated:
kakie plani u tebea so zbornoi...kak ti vidish razvitie, tem bolee shto nas 6-7 celovek?

From: fuaro

This Post:
276961.7 in reply to 276961.6
Date: 02/18/2016 08:39:54
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привет подержишь мою кандидатуру!?
во первых я тренирую вашего малого и буду дальше его тренить!
займемся развитеем популяций бб в вашей стране!
(нужен ответ так как я щас кандидат в нац украине. но немного проигрую по голосам! вот и думаю продолжить убеждать их в том что я заслужил или перейти к вам!)

+ подержка в тренеровках молодых
+ постояная связь
+ возьму пару игроков 18 лет

и т.д. жду ответа!

From: Kronos
This Post:
276961.8 in reply to 276961.7
Date: 02/18/2016 09:21:48
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I'm going to explain my intentions in this next two season with Moldova.

If you remember, I became a manager of this U21 NT only one season because the last manager became bot, and the first match was a WO. Despite this, I worked hard to contact with the managers with interesting players, and planify the tactic. I had no time of preparation, and I think the results were good.

Now, with more time to prepare the season I have four principal objectives:

- Improve our inside play. We don't have pure interiors, we dont't have good inside defense. We have rebounding, players like Cazacu or Ion Armas contribute a lot in these aspects, and we also use as a center Igor Costru because I love these player, in some tactics it's very important

- Get profit our outside game. I love Gurita, I think it's really good, Baldisor was a different player but I think Gurita can play in more positions. We have a very good PG, Malanici, the last season we have no one like Malanici, and I think that's a big plus. Also we have good players like Kandaurov or Naco, also Pellinel and other.

- Game Sharpes. That's a really important point. If we don't do an effort to have our players in good Game Sharpes, it will be very difficult.

- Draft. I want to get advantage of this draft. I want to do an exhaustive follow of this draft.

Any questions, I'm here, Greetings.

By the way: I don't understand russian, but Google translate does understand. :)

Last edited by Kronos at 02/18/2016 09:22:38

From: _SI_

This Post:
276961.9 in reply to 276961.3
Date: 02/18/2016 13:52:42
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S chego vzeal shto nam nujen hohleashka? a ne ispashka? umnik :DDD

From: fantik

To: _SI_
This Post:
276961.10 in reply to 276961.9
Date: 02/18/2016 14:04:59
Overall Posts Rated:
молдовашка я снял кандидатуру предложили лучше! а испашка вам не нуженчто из своих вібрать не можете?