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Season 17 Smack

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From: brian

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191689.7 in reply to 191689.6
Date: 7/26/2011 4:53:11 PM
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Deer was self defense

..and the story gets better. details, we need more details.

UCLA soccer guy deserved it

fair enough, thats believable

and the riot thing wasnt my fault

see above, re: deer

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: jfarb

This Post:
191689.8 in reply to 191689.7
Date: 7/26/2011 10:53:16 PM
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I was paintballing 2 on 2 with some friends on an island in the middle of the American River in Sacramento about 10 years ago. Paintballing there isn't legal of course, but we assumed no one would care cuz its an island. Well some police helicopter circled above the island for like 20 mins, but there was dense tree cover and we were wearing camouflage, so we just lied down and didnt move. About 10 mins in, a deer jumps out on top of my friend, my friend panics, deer starts stomping on him, I get up and unload paintballs on the deer, deer runs away, friend is okay.

UC Riverside vs UCLA scrimmage many years back we were down 3-0 late in game, some UCLA guy shoots, our goalie blocks but hits his head on the pole while diving and is bleeding, same moment one of our defenders clears it downfield and everyone stops playing, except for some dbag UCLA defender who decides to dribble downfield, no one defending, and take a shot on a open goal. I blocked the shot with my hand, threw the ball at him, tackled him, and fighting ensued. I was suspended for the remainder of the season before I got cut from the team.

Riot, in high school during finals week senior year I think, we had alumni day. A bunch of alumni who were at the time attending Harvard, Princeton, etc were there in a panel, and we were pulled out of class during finals for an assembly for this. Once they were done talking about what it was like to attend Harvard, I asked what the majority of us were thinking, "You have any advice for those of us who didn't do so well in school, but still could use some advice on college applications etc?" Stanford guys response was "Maybe if you had tried harder in class and gotten better grades you wouldn't have that problem." My response was to walk out of the assembly. All of the other couple hundred or so students decided to follow me, and on top of that many of them decided to use it as an excuse to get in their cars and go home. I went back to class thinking whatever, and was summoned by the principal and suspended on the grounds that I "Incited a Riot." Stanford guy is currently unemployed and living with his parents last I heard.

This Post:
191689.9 in reply to 191689.8
Date: 7/26/2011 10:57:16 PM
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All of this gets my seal of approval.

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
From: czobo001

This Post:
191689.10 in reply to 191689.8
Date: 7/26/2011 11:16:18 PM
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Yea, I just came up with those off the top of my head, pretty much the top of the iceberg. In college, we called Joel the unluckiest man in the world... somewhat influenced by his complaints in poker games. Bad beats happen to everyone Joel, I've seen what your team has done to get into the NBBA.

From: stogey23

This Post:
191689.11 in reply to 191689.8
Date: 7/27/2011 1:28:24 AM
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Great stories all! What year was the soccer game? UCLA produced quite a few pros, so there's a good chance you tackled an MLS player.

I can't top any of these, but I've got one from when brian and I were in high school. Senior year, we get a stripper for our buddie's 18th birthday. Our friend Scott calls a likely escort agency and asks for a blonde with big tits. So of course a fat black chick in a blonde wig shows up.

We're drinking in brian's garage when the stripper arrives. I step outside the garage to get a better look, and quickly turn around and announce "The Stripper is here!" Problem was, the garage door was 1/4 of the way down and I walk right into it - with the metal bottom cracking me right above the nose. I don't remember much that night, except for getting a lap dance while the stripper said "you have blood pouring out of your head".

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
From: jfarb

This Post:
191689.12 in reply to 191689.11
Date: 7/27/2011 1:36:11 AM
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Summer/fall of 04 I think??? I know we played them again a couple months later when the actual season began and lost 1-0, and I think they were ranked top 10 around then. I wasn't around to see that game though because I had been cut, I was a walk on and a freshman that year.

And wait is the brian in your story the brian from here? Haha stories involving strippers or someone winds up bleeding are always entertaining.

Last edited by jfarb at 7/27/2011 1:38:53 AM

This Post:
191689.13 in reply to 191689.11
Date: 7/27/2011 2:12:20 AM
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Yeah, when I was at there, UCLA had some really good players (by US standards): Cobi Jones, Brad Friedel, Joe-Max Moore, Chris Henderson and Mike Lapper. They won the NCAA title in 1990 or 1991 -- one of those years.

This Post:
191689.14 in reply to 191689.8
Date: 7/27/2011 2:14:38 AM
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Stanford guy is currently unemployed and living with his parents last I heard. everyone who plays BuzzerBeater isn't living in the basement of their Mom's house?

From: jfarb

To: Coco
This Post:
191689.17 in reply to 191689.16
Date: 7/27/2011 6:45:23 PM
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Haha I screwed over my chance at a scholarship and that was no fun so I'm thinking you may have made the right decision.

Hey did our TV Contract go up 10k? I know it probably has nothing to do with my silly plan to add NBBA players to the NT roster at the end of the season, but I will take credit nonetheless Your welcome everyone.
