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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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308441.7 in reply to 308441.5
Date: 03/24/2021 18:14:21
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Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0
I've seen complaints from those who feel that appointments to the squad are based almost as much on how chummy they are with the cabal as opposed to how much the player can help

Explain, then why did Khenry kept Hamm on the roster when Zenith deliberately fired two (as far as I am aware of) NT player / potential callup from his team? Your logic does not stand lol

A lot of managers devoted real life years as well as their team success in making and keeping NT caliber players.

For those you have reached out to, the fact that they are not aware of the existence of a National Team, they probably don't devote much time to this game either, let alone spending enough precious time to developing NT caliber players.

This Post:
308441.8 in reply to 308441.6
Date: 03/24/2021 18:55:03
Greensboro Generals
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You have been welcome to provide input but you simply haven’t. Why would anyone want to follow/interact with you if you can’t be bothered to be involved before potentially being elected?

Fresh ideas are what are needed; an overhaul of the system is not. You would know this if you attempted any involvement that wasn’t constantly playing victim.

There are more than 200 USA users on our Discord. Not just for U21 and NT, but for club help as well. Would that be something that could be advertised more? I’d agree with you there. That’s a place where the community input for U21 and NT has been as good as ever. But to say you’ve heard about any significant number of users not knowing there is a NT would be asinine and that is on them for simply ignoring a feature of the game.

That’s also the part where you illegally BB-Mailed about your candidacy to “drum up support”. If you’ll go around the rules for an election, what would you do in charge?


And this beauty:
I've seen complaints from those who feel that appointments to the squad are based almost as much on how chummy they are with the cabal as opposed to how much the player can help.

Please name a single player that made the team in the past 8 seasons based on being “chummy” as opposed to being a team asset. I’ll wait.

This response sponsored by the BB UNDERGROUND, all viewpoints welcome, even those we disagree with

Sure over 200 have registered for the discord, but just how many of those check it out a time or two and then abandon the endeavor, easily 80%, but that's probably normal.

As for players who I personally know who I suggested go thru the channels for guidance both reported being met with a attitude they found to be dismissive. And these were both guys who reached out thru tradition on site methods. Even if I went thru just to ask an opinion on a player I knew good and well was too old to reach his potential but who I thought (correctly in my book) had some tread left on the tires that I could build into something to be serviceable. Your response in particular was needlessly vitriolic.

Lastly in regards to my mining of what in reality are what you call in the business world "taps" to drum up support, seems like it worked a little bit, enough to give your guy a run for his money. As for this being something that was a breach of protocol, who is to really say. Management obviously had better things to do with their time then worry about me. Don't worry I don't plan to do that this time around, last time it was a spur of the moment spontaneous act born from having the free time available to do so, took about 90 minutes to do that.

This Post:
308441.9 in reply to 308441.8
Date: 03/24/2021 20:56:06
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I've seen complaints from those who feel that appointments to the squad are based almost as much on how chummy they are with the cabal as opposed to how much the player can help

Still waiting.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
From: khenry
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308441.10 in reply to 308441.9
Date: 03/24/2021 21:02:05
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If this was a ranked vote election, my ballot would go:

1. Dubness
2. Teemo
3. Samboner (haha boner)
4. Immortal
5. Literal sheep’s crap
12,870. Lambini

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
From: Antwon

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308441.12 in reply to 308441.10
Date: 03/24/2021 21:25:53
Jim Almeidas Janitor Crew
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Second Team:
Jim Almeidas Backups
Oof, not a very good look from the previous coach there mr. lambini.......

This Post:
308441.13 in reply to 308441.9
Date: 03/24/2021 22:44:03
Greensboro Generals
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I've seen complaints from those who feel that appointments to the squad are based almost as much on how chummy they are with the cabal as opposed to how much the player can help

Still waiting.

Oh so you want me to name names? Who the hell do you think you are, Joe McCarthy? Next thing you'll be asking if I have ever been a member of the communist party. It does not matter who has said what, or when, or under what circumstances. Of course you can't please all the people all the time, but feathers have been rankled and again as I have said there has been zero engagement of the user base as a whole. But I will get into that more when I finally post a true speech.

But let me ask this. If you guys are so engaged, so skilled, so to be trusted, then why have we not seen a world gold since the 20s for either program and not even a trip to the final in 10 seasons for the u21 and going on 17 for the main squad? I tell you why, because the control has stayed in the same group for so long that those already not in the loop probably find the prospect of getting a prospect on the radar to just not be worth the hassle.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 03/24/2021 22:45:47

From: Stabby

This Post:
308441.14 in reply to 308441.10
Date: 03/25/2021 00:03:03
Chicago Nightmare
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Second Team:
New York Dunk N Go Nuts
haha boner killed me lol

This Post:
308441.15 in reply to 308441.13
Date: 03/25/2021 05:13:57
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So you lied that player selection to the roster was based on being friends with me and not on actual skills. Got it.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (
This Post:
308441.16 in reply to 308441.15
Date: 03/25/2021 06:08:35
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
So you lied that player selection to the roster was based on being friends with me and not on actual skills. Got it.

Now I could go back and find the conversation pertaining to this and put that person out on front street, but again that is immaterial and from my point of view would be terribly unfair to that person, if they wanted to chime in with their story in this forum they would. Plus if I were to I would need to be able to repeat verbatim what was said lest there be misinterpretation.

But to give a little more insight, from the best of my recollection, the player in question was around 150 tsp and from what I recall wonderfully rounded. The manager was of the opinion that others were chosen who in their view were not as worthy. This manager also found some other appointments and how they were being utilized to be less than optimal. Is it possible I am misinterpreting? Very much so. But am I inventing something from whole cloth? No.
