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New U21 Coach!

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From: Djoei

This Post:
138265.9 in reply to 138265.1
Date: 7/4/2010 6:56:35 PM
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greeting jericho

i wanna ask you something

1 are transferlist players can improve the skill if i play them for 48 min or more?

thank you

2 how long take to train 21 years old center with superstar potensial from atrocious rebounding to became at least strong or sensational rebounding with my training focus on rebounding on C/PF but my trainer still got minimal skill and i still looking new trainer with minimum exceptional skill hope i can find it in next few days

3 this is my new team this season i started play since few days ago so i think my team a bit messy dunno which one i should training first overall team rebounding ( fokus on c and pf ) , inside scoring on c and pf too , outside scoring focus on pg and sg or inside defense focus on c and pf or outside defend focus on sg and pg or focus on handling or passing

thank you

btw this is some clue about indonesia language so can help you a bit

Jual = sell
beli = buy
pemain = player

if you need more help about indonesia language dont hesitate to ask me , may be i am not good in english but i think i can help abit hahahahaha

Last edited by Djoei at 7/4/2010 9:23:22 PM

From: kuly

This Post:
138265.10 in reply to 138265.9
Date: 7/4/2010 9:32:28 PM
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bro, trainer exceptional skill dgn gaji 20/30 ribu lakunya diatas 1 juta..advanced trainer mgkin lebih terjangkau dgn gajinya yg ga terlalu tinggi..trus duit sisa baru beli trainee muda dgn potensi minimum star..jumlah trainee tergantung brapa posisi yg mau dilatih..hehe..cuma skadar saran ;)

From: Djoei

To: kuly
This Post:
138265.11 in reply to 138265.10
Date: 7/5/2010 1:49:04 AM
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o gitu ya ok dech kalo gitu nanti aku cari dulu kalo dapat hehehehe

thx atas sarannya

From: edy_gie

This Post:
138265.12 in reply to 138265.11
Date: 7/5/2010 6:14:16 AM
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kl mau sabar bisa kok dapet trainer ga seharga 1 juta yg 20 ribu dgn level superior

asal cariya agak sabar aja yah.....dan jgn harap dapet skill macem career extention....atau skill yg buat fisik

paling kenanya 600 atau 700 kl dapet 500 ribu berarti ente lg beruntung

dicoba aj...terbukti kok ane dapet yg segituan terus....yah tapi ga selalu dapet yg 500 rb....hehehe

gud luck bro

From: Djoei

This Post:
138265.13 in reply to 138265.12
Date: 7/5/2010 6:56:06 AM
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heehhehe sabar koq ini sementara ganti pakai advance dulu trainernya biar skill pemain naiknya lumayan dulu minggu ini hehehehe sambil pelan2 cari yang mantab hehehehehe