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Season 21

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225093.9 in reply to 225093.8
Date: 10/06/2012 22:09:21
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OMG!! WTF!! Killa Beez lost a game!?!? I thought they were invincible!

My condolences, CW47.

Well done, JM56.

Way to keep the pressure on. The rest of us 14 teams are now all jealous of you.

Of course, the outcome is a direct result of Levin fouling out before the second half and not having a backup. But, we won't squabble over it. ;-)

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
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225093.10 in reply to 225093.9
Date: 10/07/2012 14:59:38
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Congratulations to all 11 teams with players in the All-Star Game!

Cornballers: Anthony Lucas
uthinkuknow: Chuck Coy, Josh Floyd, Astur Sits
AJ2012: Eduardo Gebali
Winter Haven Velvets: Erkal Bogaç
ABQ HOOPS: Antonio Runko
Drunken Clams: Italo Campioni, Massimiliano Mezzetti
Nevada Rocks: Plutarco Guaso

Murfreesboro: Francesco Stradiotto, Gavino Mariotti
Los Angeles Killa Beez: Jessie McBride, Cole LeBlanc, Román Fragoso, Jorge Javier Ucero
Ulderico Jazz: Marián Podolinčiak, Eero Lüüs
Los Angeles Trojans: Yan Parikov, Wu Un Jung

Although it hardly seems fair that ALL of the stats leaders were left off the list. Where's Bradinilis? Hun (steal and assist leader)? Daning? I just want to register my complaint that Yeahh Buddehh and St. Louis Shock were robbed. ;-)

On behalf of the Great 8: Good luck to the boys in blue.

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
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225093.11 in reply to 225093.9
Date: 10/08/2012 18:20:14
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Yeah it was bound to happen! Jessie McBride fouled out too which meant I only had 3 players during OT...

I wish that I had been smarter when planning this week. I just didn't think that there was ANY way that they would foul out.

From: A-Dub

To: CW47
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225093.12 in reply to 225093.11
Date: 10/09/2012 01:53:01
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Upsyndrome II
+1 ball. I figured I'd be your first... that sounds sexual. Haha. ;)

Last edited by A-Dub at 10/09/2012 01:53:42

"You will lose." -Ivan Drago
From: CW47

This Post:
225093.13 in reply to 225093.12
Date: 10/09/2012 11:27:26
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Thanks!. I don't post on the forums a lot, so there isn't a ton of opportunities for my to get balls. That sounded pretty sexual too. LOL

From: A-Dub

To: CW47
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225093.14 in reply to 225093.13
Date: 10/09/2012 16:32:48
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Second Team:
Upsyndrome II
Lmao. +1ball. You earned that one!

"You will lose." -Ivan Drago
This Post:
225093.15 in reply to 225093.14
Date: 10/10/2012 00:03:20
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Alright guys. Quit balling each other before we have to call in a clean up crew. ;-)

Last edited by rhyminsimon at 10/10/2012 00:03:32

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
This Post:
225093.16 in reply to 225093.13
Date: 10/27/2012 22:16:28
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Well, things seem to be pretty straightforward from here on out. The exception might be a battle for 3rd in the Big 8 between Murfreesboro and Los Angeles Trojans, with the outcome probably coming down to the head-to-head matchup at Mules arena. ABQ HOOPS got some separation in the battle for 4th in the Great 8 tonight. But AJ2102 has a lighter schedule on the home stretch.

But it looks like 1vs2 semis and a Los Angeles Killa Beez vs uthinkuknow finals. Preview looks good... uthinkuknow @ Beez was a 4-pt game. Could go either way... Should be an exciting end of the season!

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (