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242809.9 in reply to 242809.8
Date: 06/13/2013 13:48:59
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Nuk eshte rastesi qe mungon,ne pergjithesi,edhe si popull kemi treguar,historikisht,por edhe aktualisht se jemi njerez mosrespektues ndaj njeri-tjetrit(me falni qe po e them kete,nuk ka te bej kjo me ndonje individ ne kete loje),nuk e çmojme sa duhet njeri-tjetrin...jemi popull i perçare,si ne Shqiperi,ashtu edhe ne Kosove,por edhe ne viset tjera,e kjo po reflektohet edhe ne kete loje... Paramendoni sikur gjithe shqiptaret te ishin te bashkuar,t'i linin interesat personale anash...ku do te ishim ne...por nejse...e teprova ndoshta...!

E rendesishme eshte qe te pakten ketu ne forum t'i lem anash inatet,e te diskutojme se si ta bejme nje kombetare qe do te ndiheshim krenar...

Une tash per momentin vendosa $20.000 per scouting e se shpejti do te marr ndonje lojtar te kombetares(NT ose U21)per ta ushtruar.

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242809.10 in reply to 242809.9
Date: 06/13/2013 13:57:22
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@Juxhini kete do te deshiroja dhe une,ti linim menjane inatet personale e te pakten ne kete pjese te punojme ne menyren e duhur.

@thebestone pa e tepruar fare paragrafi i 1 eshte nje realitet i hidhur ne Shqiperi..nejse te pakten ketu ne loje te ishim te bashkuar do te ishte dicka e jashtezakonshme,shpresoj se kjo gje do te arrihet

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242809.11 in reply to 242809.9
Date: 06/13/2013 14:32:49
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Ok, ndoshta eshte me e thjeshte keshtu: E vendosa edhe une 20K per scouting. Ata qe kane deshire, apo edhe thjesht interes meqe nuk do te luftojne dot per titull, le ti bashkohen ketij investimi per scouting. Sa per trajnimin, nuk besoj se mund tia arrij dot, por nese ndonje lojtar i NT del ne shitje, do ta blej dhe do ta mbaje ne game shape te mire...

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242809.12 in reply to 242809.11
Date: 06/17/2013 06:46:27
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Hi all,
I always try to train the youngsters in my team and I tried to get albanians to play, however due to lack of many things its hard, especially if you want to have one of the top 3 teams in the superliga its hard to train 2/3 young guys. Now i train 2 albanian a 1 bih player in my team, trying to make Adem for NT and Levik now for U21...

anyway I always invest in draft, and one idea that can be good, if a team is doing good in the superliga (investing every week 20k) and doesnt not plan to go to draft will have great chance in next season to get the best player since they can scout and interview each of the players.

if we are to colaborate in the game, then we should agree on forum who is scouting in this season eg 4 to 6 teams, targeting different players (position wise) and not all of us spend money in the draft.

also for active teams in second leaguas who can train and scout on a much larger scale we should find these players and motivate them to do it, only superliga is not enough to create this base of players.

thirdly i saw a lot fighiting and cheating here but i agree as someone said someone else should solve it, we should focus on "positive competitiion" motivation for good duels! not just divide ourselves more and we should be united in some areas as are NT and U21 :)

I have an NT player and a future NT player and a future u21 player ;) insallah

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242809.13 in reply to 242809.12
Date: 06/17/2013 07:49:02
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All the things you said are true and I believe we will have a better collaboration in the future

Sorry,just for curiosity, where are you from?

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242809.14 in reply to 242809.13
Date: 06/18/2013 04:06:18
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Now I am in Germany, but I lived and worked in Tirana when I started to play the game ;) So I started in Albania ;)

Also i am in partly from the balkans from mother side but her family travelled a lot in kosovo , montenegro and bih.

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242809.15 in reply to 242809.14
Date: 06/18/2013 06:32:48
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That's great