Salary History
Player History

Event Date Season Details
MVP Voting 03/22/2021 52 Ranked 4 in the League III.9 Season 52 MVP vote with 71 points
Points 02/04/2021 52 Scored 55 points in a Scrimmage against PNS Development
All-Star 02/03/2021 52 Appeared in the league III.9 All-Star Game
Points 12/31/2020 52 Scored 52 points in a National Tournament Game against KK Dusko Vujosevic
Points 12/12/2020 51 Scored 56 points in a Scrimmage against Камарати Бор
Points 12/10/2020 51 Scored 53 points in a Scrimmage against Green beach
Points 12/01/2020 51 Scored 54 points in a League Relegation Game against BG Samuraj
Points 11/28/2020 51 Scored 60 points in a League Game against I B S
Points 11/21/2020 51 Scored 50 points in a League Game against Stasine bebe
Points 11/17/2020 51 Scored 56 points in a League Game against stelarosa BC
Points 11/07/2020 51 Scored 50 points in a League Game against Dragudavci sa Mlave
Points 10/29/2020 51 Scored 58 points in a Scrimmage against WILD_CATS
All-Star 10/28/2020 51 Appeared in the league II.2 All-Star Game
Points 10/23/2020 51 Scored 57 points in a Private League Game against KK Losers
MVP Voting 09/07/2020 50 Ranked 2 in the League II.2 Season 50 MVP vote with 99 points
Points 08/27/2020 50 Scored 76 points in a Scrimmage against BC Jonava
All-Star 07/22/2020 50 Appeared in the league II.2 All-Star Game
Three Point Contest 07/22/2020 50 Competed in the league II.2 Three Point Contest, with a total of 19 points
MVP Voting 08/12/2019 46 Ranked 4 in the League II.1 Season 46 MVP vote with 54 points
Points 05/11/2019 46 Scored 60 points in a League Game against Камарати Бор
MVP Voting 01/28/2019 44 Ranked 1 in the League II.1 Season 44 MVP vote with 185 points
All-Star 12/12/2018 44 Appeared in the league II.1 All-Star Game
NT Appearance 12/10/2018 44 First appearance with the Canada National Team
MVP Voting 10/22/2018 43 Ranked 4 in the League II.1 Season 43 MVP vote with 70 points
MVP Voting 01/02/2018 40 Ranked 7 in the League III.11 Season 40 MVP vote with 7 points
MVP Voting 09/26/2017 39 Ranked 12 in the League III.11 Season 39 MVP vote with 1 points
All-Star 08/09/2017 39 Appeared in the league III.11 All-Star Game
U21 Appearance 09/12/2016 36 First appearance with the Canada U21 National Team
Transfer 05/04/2016 34 Purchased from Free Agency for $ 344 700
Drafted 02/15/2016 33 Drafted as pick 12 of 48 by 6ix Side in the Season 33 Draft

James Keiller has played in 30 competitive National Team games.
James Keiller has played in 10 National Team scrimmages.
James Keiller has played in 11 competitive U21 games.
James Keiller has played in 3 U21 scrimmages.
James Keiller has made 5 All-Star appearances.

MVP Voting    

Injury Tracker
# Injury Date Heal Date Estimated (Days) Actual (Days) Doctor Level Details
1 07/07/2018 07/14/2018 19:00:25 5 - 10 7 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/07/2018 07/14/2018 19:00:25 5 - 10 --- 4 ---
2 07/07/2018 Still Injured 5 - 9 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/07/2018 Still Injured 5 - 9 --- 4 ---
2 07/08/2018 Still Injured 4 - 7 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/08/2018 Still Injured 4 - 7 --- 4 ---
2 07/09/2018 Still Injured 3 - 5 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/09/2018 Still Injured 3 - 5 --- 4 ---
2 07/11/2018 Still Injured 2 - 4 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/11/2018 Still Injured 2 - 4 --- 4 ---
2 07/11/2018 Still Injured 2 - 3 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/11/2018 Still Injured 2 - 3 --- 4 ---
2 07/12/2018 Still Injured 1 - 2 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/12/2018 Still Injured 1 - 2 --- 4 ---
2 07/13/2018 Still Injured 1 - 1 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 07/13/2018 Still Injured 1 - 1 --- 4 ---
2 07/14/2018 Still Injured 0 - 0 Still Injured 4
--- 07/14/2018 Healed! 0 - 0 --- 4 ---
2 05/25/2019 06/09/2019 00:49:57 11 - 22 14 4 broken nose
--- 05/25/2019 06/09/2019 00:49:57 11 - 22 --- 4 ---
3 05/25/2019 Still Injured 11 - 21 Still Injured 4 broken nose
--- 05/25/2019 Still Injured 11 - 21 --- 4 ---
3 05/26/2019 Still Injured 10 - 20 Still Injured 4 broken nose
--- 05/26/2019 Still Injured 10 - 20 --- 4 ---
3 05/27/2019 Still Injured 9 - 18 Still Injured 4 broken nose
--- 05/27/2019 Still Injured 9 - 18 --- 4 ---
3 05/29/2019 Still Injured 8 - 16 Still Injured 4 broken nose
--- 05/29/2019 Still Injured 8 - 16 --- 4 ---
3 05/29/2019 Still Injured 7 - 14 Still Injured 4 broken nose
--- 05/29/2019 Still Injured 7 - 14 --- 4 ---
3 05/30/2019 Still Injured 6 - 12 Still Injured 4 broken nose
--- 05/30/2019 Still Injured 6 - 12 --- 4 ---
3 05/31/2019 Still Injured 5 - 10 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 05/31/2019 Still Injured 5 - 10 --- 4 ---
3 06/02/2019 Still Injured 5 - 9 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 06/02/2019 Still Injured 5 - 9 --- 4 ---
3 06/02/2019 Still Injured 4 - 8 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 06/02/2019 Still Injured 4 - 8 --- 4 ---
3 06/03/2019 Still Injured 3 - 6 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 06/03/2019 Still Injured 3 - 6 --- 4 ---
3 06/05/2019 Still Injured 3 - 5 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 06/05/2019 Still Injured 3 - 5 --- 4 ---
3 06/05/2019 Still Injured 2 - 3 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 06/05/2019 Still Injured 2 - 3 --- 4 ---
3 06/06/2019 Still Injured 1 - 2 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 06/06/2019 Still Injured 1 - 2 --- 4 ---
3 06/07/2019 Still Injured 1 - 1 Still Injured 4 mild ankle sprain
--- 06/07/2019 Still Injured 1 - 1 --- 4 ---
3 06/09/2019 Still Injured 0 - 0 Still Injured 4
--- 06/09/2019 Healed! 0 - 0 --- 4 ---
3 12/03/2019 12/11/2019 01:56:39 6 - 12 7 4 bruised knee
--- 12/03/2019 12/11/2019 01:56:39 6 - 12 --- 4 ---
4 12/04/2019 Still Injured 5 - 10 Still Injured 4 bruised knee
--- 12/04/2019 Still Injured 5 - 10 --- 4 ---
4 12/04/2019 Still Injured 4 - 8 Still Injured 4 bruised knee
--- 12/04/2019 Still Injured 4 - 8 --- 4 ---
4 12/05/2019 Still Injured 4 - 7 Still Injured 4 bruised knee
--- 12/05/2019 Still Injured 4 - 7 --- 4 ---
4 12/06/2019 Still Injured 3 - 5 Still Injured 4 bruised knee
--- 12/06/2019 Still Injured 3 - 5 --- 4 ---
4 12/08/2019 Still Injured 2 - 4 Still Injured 4 bruised knee
--- 12/08/2019 Still Injured 2 - 4 --- 4 ---
4 12/08/2019 Still Injured 1 - 2 Still Injured 4 bruised knee
--- 12/08/2019 Still Injured 1 - 2 --- 4 ---
4 12/09/2019 Still Injured 1 - 1 Still Injured 4 bruised knee
--- 12/09/2019 Still Injured 1 - 1 --- 4 ---
4 12/11/2019 Still Injured 0 - 0 Still Injured 4
--- 12/11/2019 Healed! 0 - 0 --- 4 ---
