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Economy - Bug

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From: Antil11
This Post:
Date: 11/28/2022 14:36:41
Antil Global B.C.
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Hello my friends...

The last weekend i build some buildings from the arena menu. More specific , i built the Merchadise store lvl3 and the traing court lvl3. Previous i had nothing, i built both of them by one order, both of them lvl3 .

Today, was the economy update.

So i had this:
11/28/2022 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 25 006
Total Merchandise: $ 48 993

This gap between these two is big . Is this normal?

This Post:
317253.2 in reply to 317253.1
Date: 12/05/2022 07:28:45
Cobra Kai
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Wu Tang Clan
I also have small deviations in all weeks since the merc has been updates

This week in my main team I should have received 64814 $ merchandise income, instead I received 63483$

I also received 100$ less (lol) in my utopia team

This Post:
317253.3 in reply to 317253.1
Date: 12/19/2022 07:19:19
This Post:
317253.4 in reply to 317253.3
Date: 01/02/2023 11:34:25
BC "Bosna xxl"
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BC "Bosna xxl" II
Yesterday I paid for arena design 4M and built merch store level 1 for 500k.

On economy update I received 57k from merch but in new section of economy down below it says that I should get 91k.

Can this be fixed or ?