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USA - IV.13 > Season 35

Season 35

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From: Zoey

This Post:
279439.15 in reply to 279439.14
Date: 06/12/2016 04:08:43
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Agreed props to Thunders Ninjas!

This Post:
279439.16 in reply to 279439.15
Date: 06/12/2016 13:13:06
Overall Posts Rated:
tried getting that W but good game none the less

From: Zoey

This Post:
279439.18 in reply to 279439.17
Date: 06/13/2016 22:34:11
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I hear ya i shoulda done the same thing for my last cup game but i wanted to make sure i could beat ninjas. Still kinda sucks tho

From: Zoey

To: Zoey
This Post:
279439.19 in reply to 279439.18
Date: 06/13/2016 22:37:08
Overall Posts Rated:
Cant wait until i can put a beating on belief tho!

This Post:
279439.21 in reply to 279439.20
Date: 06/19/2016 19:13:58
Arsenal 98
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Second Team:
Stamford Snow Leopards
Sorry for the random popping in - I've just been checking out some old players (Cockrell). I liked that he went to an all USA squad in the first place but it's good to see he's got a decent manager too. Nice writeups and season preview here! (I did a long one for my English division, glad to see I'm not alone in being a BB loser too, ha). If anything I reckon you give slightly too much away, but it's an honourable way to play I guess. Good luck for the season :)

This Post:
279439.23 in reply to 279439.22
Date: 06/21/2016 21:00:43
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Ive had internet Troubles and my summer job been in the way so i havent been as active I just learned of my player's injury but I need to get back to the drawing board of my season to figure out how to improve my team to fit what i want from it ... The foul trouble has been my achilles heel many a game ... but what coach wouldnt like to see Pressure defence right .hahahah

p.s i love ur write ups I should take it up too

This Post:
279439.24 in reply to 279439.23
Date: 06/21/2016 22:11:14
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Man o man I just had two tough losses. Any tips that can help my team play at their best? I've been struggling to exploit my team's potential. Anything will help thanks.

This Post:
279439.25 in reply to 279439.24
Date: 06/22/2016 15:34:39
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There are a few things.

1. Game Prep
Set a focus/pace prediction for your games. If you guess correctly, your players will perform better than they would've otherwise. The downside is that if you guess incorrectly, they'll play worse. However not every manager sets their tactics before every game. By looking through their last 2-4 games, you'll find out what their default, or recently common offense they run. There's a list of the offenses with their focus/pace in the tutorial, which can be found in the help section of the forums.

You can also try countering your opponent's tactics by setting yours to whatever theirs is bad against. A list of the offenses/defenses with their weaknesses/strengths can be found in the tutorial as well. I don't use this strategy anymore, because I didn't have much success with it. That might've been because of my roster at the time.

2. Enthusiasm/Effort

There are three stages of effort you can set for a game. TIE (Take It Easy), Normal, CT (Crunch Time). TIE builds enthusiasm, while CT "spends" it. The higher the enthusiasm and/or effort, the better your players will play. I suggest setting your effort to TIE in the games you are sure to either win or lose. This way you can build enthusiasm and choose to "spend" it on an important game. ( playoffs, to make playoffs, seeding, to avoid relegation, or relegation games)

3. PR Manager

PR managers have abilities that boost your teams performance depending on whether they're home (Crowd Involvement) or away (National Appeal). The level of the manager does not affect the effectiveness of his ability.

4. Game Shape

The better the game shape the better your players play. If you play your players too much, too little or not at all, their game shape will decrease. If you can hit that sweet spot ( around 48-60 minutes a week) , it will increase. Never train game shape. Not only is it a waste of a week of training better spent in another stat, but game shape resets at the beginning of every season.

5. Experience

The higher the stat the better the player performs within the boundaries of his skill set. The only way a player gains experience from what I can tell are regular season games, playoffs and cup games. It increases extremely slowly and is almost a non-factor because of this. Still worth mentioning though.

I think that's all. The rest comes down to the players stats and how well they operate in your offense. BB takes money and training but above all time and patience.

Last edited by ZloppEE at 06/22/2016 15:58:51
