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Malaysia - I.1 > S39 where users are gone as fast as 1MDB Money

S39 where users are gone as fast as 1MDB Money

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288265.2 in reply to 288265.1
Date: 06/30/2017 16:07:03
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Second Team:
Tak Cuba Tak Tahu
I'm glad you made them before the economy update but weekly TV contract still went down by $5,000 in comparison to last season.

The good news being the new national tournament draw formula, as we will face computer managed teams in the first round, it will allow all of us to make a little money and to focus on the league. Once computer managed teams are out, we will all have the same need to focus on the cup game and on the league. This is a simple but great improvement.

The 4 MBBA teams you named were clearly the best teams for the past few seasons. I would also like to name Red East Devils who let go a few players and won't be as competitive as they used to be.

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288265.3 in reply to 288265.2
Date: 07/01/2017 09:05:15
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Sold for long term survival as not much value even their skill sets way bettter than my current CF & PF. Salary are pain in the neck so rather keep and train younger lads so results definitely wont be better compare few seasons ago.

So just plead all taikos and top teams give us a lift...hahaha...