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Utopia - III.16 > Season 29

Season 29

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From: Mass

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263547.21 in reply to 263547.20
Date: 12/23/2014 20:19:46
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Hey jeff ! On ne se quitte plus (Championnat, LP, Utopia) :D

From: jeff44

To: Mass
This Post:
263547.22 in reply to 263547.21
Date: 12/24/2014 04:11:52
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Et oui! Je n'avais pas percuté que c'est ton equipe utopia. La défaite contre toi ici (inattendue) peut me couter cher pour la montée. Et je vois que tu tentes des coups sur la vente des joueurs ici aussi !

From: Mass

This Post:
263547.23 in reply to 263547.22
Date: 12/31/2014 20:29:32
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^^ Toujours ! Bon, t'as l'air quand meme sacrément bien placé pour la montée, en esperant que tout se goupille bien en ta faveur lors des PO ;)

From: jeff44

To: Mass
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263547.24 in reply to 263547.23
Date: 01/01/2015 12:42:55
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Second Team:
Ca va être tendu les PO je pense. Mais j'espère avoir assuré au minimum la montée par "botification"

From: jeff44
This Post:
263547.25 in reply to 263547.24
Date: 01/06/2015 04:47:53
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
So, I'm already out of the PO... nice win at the buzzer for DLR, congrats ! Its gives me time to prepare the next season ... :-(

This Post:
263547.26 in reply to 263547.25
Date: 01/06/2015 10:08:16
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That's a tough loss. You are taking better than I would. At least you stand a chance to bot promote though cause of your record, it's win or crawl under a rock and cry till next season for me. After nearly beating the 3rd and 4th place team in the final two games by 4 points a piece I suspect that crying will be in my short term future.

Also, am I the only person who hates the playoff split of gate tickets?

This Post:
263547.27 in reply to 263547.26
Date: 01/06/2015 11:05:59
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Second Team:
Out of frustration i just bought a 96k player ! ;-)

I hope i will bot promote, that was my plan from the beginning because I thought some teams would get a lot better in the PO. But i'm not 100 percent sure i will promote cause i'm not sure how this works actually. If not, I will be very very disappointed ! And maybe i will go in another direction cause i'm not very happy with my team at the moment (oldies, trainees who do not develop, small arena etc.)

PO will be a very tough battle, its amazing. All teams can pretend to the victory.

And I hate the PO split of gate ticket.

This Post:
263547.28 in reply to 263547.27
Date: 01/06/2015 11:18:34
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Promotion will be given to both teams that makes the league championship and then bot promotion is given to the teams that didn't make it to the finals based on Record with PD being the tie breaker. I haven't looked at any other leagues so I'm not sure how good your record is comparatively but there will be 16 bots falling from Heaven along with the 24 ( 16 automatic and 8 who lost regulations finals).

So there is at least 8 spots for the top 8 teams that didn't make it to the finals.

As far as my happiness with my team, I have to agree to a point. I was working under the guise that DivIII cash would be similiar to USA DivIII and I was sorely mistaken. I am happy with 1 of my trainees but the rest I'm tempted to just flush.

This Post:
263547.29 in reply to 263547.28
Date: 01/06/2015 12:06:09
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I may be mistaken but my understanding from this post was that only league champions would promote and then bot promotion applies. (257780.171). So I think 24 teams will be bot promoted. Do u read the same ?

Last edited by jeff44 at 01/06/2015 12:12:41

This Post:
263547.30 in reply to 263547.29
Date: 01/06/2015 13:40:49
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Ugh, you're right. Conf Champ applies to the highest league with players (using 2 different systems is not intuitive in my opinion... not just saying that cause I'm confused, :D )

But that means you have a much better chance and I'm still rooting for someone to beat DLR (and everyone in my conference) since I'd be the 4th team promoted at best.

SO, I'm planning on being stuck here next season. Everyone should buy a bunch of overpriced guys so I can get a lot of TV money. I mean we... yeah... we.

This Post:
263547.31 in reply to 263547.30
Date: 01/06/2015 14:27:25
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
This means that 24 teams will be bot promoted from LIII to LII. There are 32 (2*16) conference leaders, so u have a good chance to bot promote actually. I am 13th among conference leaders so I think its ok for me !
