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BB Indonesia > [U21] Top 5

[U21] Top 5

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From: Jericho

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155991.4 in reply to 155991.3
Date: 9/4/2010 5:52:15 AM
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Thank you so much :)

From: Djoei

This Post:
155991.5 in reply to 155991.4
Date: 9/4/2010 8:52:07 AM
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no problem part of my contribution to my country too :))

From: kuly

This Post:
155991.6 in reply to 155991.1
Date: 9/4/2010 9:04:05 AM
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I will train his JR, as well as JS until they popped up. For his passing skill, I thought you said that his level is enough for u21. I'm just wondering what has changed since last time we talked. Our strategy? Higher level of competition? :)

Cheers man, you're doing a great job.

From: Jericho

To: kuly
This Post:
155991.7 in reply to 155991.6
Date: 9/4/2010 9:32:11 AM
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I will train his JR, as well as JS until they popped up. For his passing skill, I thought you said that his level is enough for u21. I'm just wondering what has changed since last time we talked. Our strategy? Higher level of competition? :)

Cheers man, you're doing a great job.

Nothing, It's only a matter of priority. In this season I was satisfied of the current level in pass, but next season I would like a level more!

But first a pop up in JR and JS , then only a level of passing!

From: Djoei
This Post:
155991.8 in reply to 155991.7
Date: 9/4/2010 10:59:30 AM
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ayo mana lagi nich manager yang lain komentar dong masak dari banyak pemain yang di sebutkan diatas yang komentar cuma 1 manager

ayo buat game ini tidak membosankan dengan berkomunikasi , adu argument dan saling berbagi ilmu biar bb indonesia maju dan timnas juga dong

where are the other manager comments , why only 1 manager comment about it
lets get more active so this game not boring anymore at least you all can post something during league game day
your posting will make the NT step close ahead to be champion so start do it now :))

Last edited by Djoei at 9/4/2010 11:02:35 AM

This Post:
155991.9 in reply to 155991.8
Date: 9/4/2010 11:22:02 AM
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Too bad i won't have any of my pupils on U21 next season..
Halim Mainaky is definitely a long project....

This Post:
155991.10 in reply to 155991.9
Date: 9/4/2010 11:24:20 AM
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Too bad i won't have any of my pupils on U21 next season.. :(
Halim Mainaky is definitely a long project....

He's too tall to train him in JS - JR - OD

This Post:
155991.11 in reply to 155991.10
Date: 9/7/2010 5:16:55 AM
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so pitiful this player... hope his owner turning bot soon........

This Post:
155991.12 in reply to 155991.11
Date: 9/10/2010 9:22:57 PM
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Can I have a question?
What is the meaning of pop up training? Hopefully if I have potential young player, I can train them well.

From: Djoei

This Post:
155991.13 in reply to 155991.12
Date: 9/11/2010 12:07:32 AM
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maksudnya peningkatan skill rasanya

misalnya jadi respectable jadi strong itu 1 pop up kelihatannya gitu sih

This Post:
155991.14 in reply to 155991.12
Date: 9/11/2010 12:46:13 AM
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Can I have a question?
What is the meaning of pop up training? Hopefully if I have potential young player, I can train them well.

Dude, Are you asking how to train a player?

btw, do u speak indo? hehe
