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England - II.3 > Player fitness

Player fitness

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From: Fluff
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Date: 02/24/2012 08:38:01
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I think my boys are having a laugh behind my back. Their gameshape is terrible i think they must have gone out on the razz and still not recovered!

Any other team manager having problems keeping their players on the straight and narrow?!

From: stedanjos

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211367.2 in reply to 211367.1
Date: 02/25/2012 11:24:18
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It hasn't been as bad for me, but with my last two games against Bolo, it's been rough. Fun games though, you should check them out. First league - same strategy of weaker tactics and players and same effort- 103-100 loss for me. Second Cup - same strategy of stronger tactics and players and same effort - overtime win for me by 3. Epic stuff!

From: Fluff

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211367.3 in reply to 211367.2
Date: 02/25/2012 14:12:15
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wow, what a coincidence... and you were unlucky not to win your league game. nice tactical choice on the second. good to see a patient offense work out! well i got bolo soon enough. will be tough with his beefy big guys :/

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211367.4 in reply to 211367.2
Date: 02/26/2012 01:52:10
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The cup match really disappointed me... you cannot imagine how much. 2 free throws missed for the win by my young star who is also good at free throw... why that!

Though lesson learned, Div II.3 is a real training camp. Thanks guys!

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211367.5 in reply to 211367.4
Date: 02/26/2012 08:35:11
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You're welcome. I didn'y expect you to approach the game the same way I did. My hope was that my ENT and my HCA would have been enough to beat you. I suspect though, that if your C didn't foul out early, you would have beaten me quite handily. :P

You"re spot on though, this is an exceptionally competitive league. I suspect quite a few of us could cause trouble in the EBBL.