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From: Mix

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241676.3 in reply to 241676.2
Date: 08/13/2013 22:53:46
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I didn't even have a chance to see who you meant but if it was a big then the new SB enhancement might have a big impact on that big salaried player.

I've chosen this season to reboot my frontcourt, and right now they're really green. Thankfully my RL opponent is a week away from going bot and having his roster flushed. We should be able to weather the storm and stay in D3 if that proves to be the case..

My revenue has taken a major hit. I went to a lvl 5 (w/ Crowd Involvement) to offset the blow. Right now I'm riding 13k below the salary floor which is $98k. Actually being profitable has been a nice change compared to barely making it by when I was winning.

Good luck, hope to see you one of you guys in D3 next season.

Last edited by Mix at 08/13/2013 23:00:17

From: FuriousSK

To: Mix
This Post:
241676.4 in reply to 241676.3
Date: 08/14/2013 08:09:37
Overall Posts Rated:
divine dragons is the team that has the big stud this season. Well within his right to do so btw, just wish he had waited until i hopefully got past dough boy$ and red fort this season (and whomever else feels they have a shot).

about your group. Arena seems your biggest obstacle, think you could make more money once you get back to where you want to be performance wise with a bit more capacity.