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USA - IV.20 > Season 55

Season 55

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Date: 10/04/2021 20:25:25
Knights of Autumn
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Welcome to the new teams and good luck to returning squads!

A little surprised Bloom County is still here as I thought they'd be taking the championship last season so this will definitely make the league tougher. We've also got a new contender relegating from D.III in the Houston Razobacks and there are several new teams that could very well be making moves to compete too. The Knights of Autumn are looking to be in the mix as well this season and were able to snag a few good prospects to bolster team depth for the upcoming season.

How'd everyone else's draftees turn out and what're your plans for the season?

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311718.2 in reply to 311718.1
Date: 10/04/2021 22:19:59
Bloom County Boingers
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His players were very well balanced. Time to retool again.

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311718.3 in reply to 311718.2
Date: 10/05/2021 02:45:52
Knights of Autumn
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Your team seemed solid from my vantage point so I thought you'd be able to take him but good luck to you moving forward, though not too much of course because I don't enjoy facing your team, haha.

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311718.4 in reply to 311718.3
Date: 10/06/2021 20:05:21
Knights of Autumn
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The Goliath Groupers aren't keeping Jorge Gruber?! That just feels wrong...

Last edited by A Warrior at 10/06/2021 20:05:36

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311718.5 in reply to 311718.2
Date: 10/09/2021 21:40:49
Knights of Autumn
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My players are leaving this game with their tails tucked between their legs...

The Boingers are going to be a problem again this season. Not how we were hoping to start the season. Good game.

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311718.6 in reply to 311718.5
Date: 10/09/2021 21:44:56
Bloom County Boingers
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First games are always weird.

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311718.7 in reply to 311718.1
Date: 10/18/2021 03:33:47
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Hey all! Looking forward to a good season!

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311718.8 in reply to 311718.7
Date: 10/19/2021 19:13:28
Knights of Autumn
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Looks like there's only a Fab Five in IV.20 so I thought I'd put together a quick power rankings.

1. Bloom County Boingers - Last year's Big 8 representative in the finals is playing no games this season as they look even stronger than ever. After their finals loss, the team retooled and continues to add high-end talent to the squad as they just signed 31k Malaysian forward, Luo Fulei.

2. Houston Razobacks - This is a deep squad with 11 players earning salaries over 11k. Seems like versatility and depth are the calling cards of this recently relegated-D3 squad who are going to be a really tough team to face and plan for.

3. Knights of Autumn - A top-heavy team led by a South African trio keeps getting better season to season but are severely lacking depth. Starting the season with a resounding loss to the Boingers doesn't bode well for their chances in the Big 8.

4. Goliath Groupers - On paper, this team is probably 3rd in the Power Rankings but a recent loss to Papitos Pandas wasn't a good look for the Groupers as the Pandas had previously lost to both the Razobacks and Wizards already this season. They managed to stay in 4th place due to their team still looking strong, having used less enthusiasm in their loss and the game still being close while other opponents used more enthusiasm against the Pandas.

5. Fantasy Wizards - A very young franchise that is looking to make its mark led by the "Mad Doctor". The team is a combination of initial stars and older veterans that might not be ready for full contention yet but we'll see what the season has in store for this squad.

What're your thoughts on the rankings? Who would you have higher or lower?

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311718.9 in reply to 311718.8
Date: 10/22/2021 16:51:51
Bloom County Boingers
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Nice write up. We will see if my rag tag squad can finally make the jump while avoiding bankruptcy. LOL

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311718.10 in reply to 311718.9
Date: 10/23/2021 04:26:29
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I’m in the same boat as you LOL

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311718.11 in reply to 311718.1
Date: 10/24/2021 02:30:21
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Well, really glad I get to go into an actual important game with my two best players injured.

Guessing that will tank me in the power rankings we made up? Lol, congrats on the spoonfed, luck oriented victories that real life owners will get against me while I still have to pay players that constantly end up injured. Thanks BuzzerBeater algorithm