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[TUTORING] The New Age Mentorship Thread

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From: E.B.W.
This Post:
Date: 06/19/2023 18:14:00
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:

BB is a very complex, long-term strategy manager game. There are changes most off-seasons, which means that BB is always changing and adapting. It can be overwhelming! We know; we've all been there during our first few seasons! Don't worry, though, this is a very supportive community, and everyone who seeks help or advise will be welcome. If that's your case, you've come to the right place!

1. Do I need a mentor?
That's a complicated question which may indeed have multiple answers. A mentor can be someone who helps us build our teams from scratch, until the moment we're ready to fly on our own. Or someone who can give you in-depth information about the GE or tactics work once you've got the basics. Or someone who, being an expert in a particular field (BB-Economics, Tactics and Match Preparation; Training; etc), will give you the knowledge to complement your already solid development in BB. Those are just a few examples, but if you identified with these contexts, you'd probably benefit from having a mentor.

2. But I don't want anyone to babysit my team...
And you're right in thinking so! A mentor will be your advisor, but this never means you'll lose ownership of your team; you're the one pressing the button and, ultimately, it is your decision to analyze things carefully and decide which advice you want to incorporate into your plans. The mentor just has more experience, and thus knows what you're going through because they did so previously. After all, it's nice to simply have someone to ping-pong ideas off of or someone who can answer a particular question or just give sensible advise before mistakes are made, isn't it?

3. Ok, you got my attention! How do I do it?
It's dead simple. Everyone who is already experienced in the game can come here to become a mentor; and every newbie can come here to ask for a mentor to support them in the beginning and settle the basics of their team.

3.1. Prospective mentors: You are very welcome to join the proposal provided that you have some time to spend with a newbie seeking help. You don't need to have played this game for 20+ seasons in order tone a mentor as few managers have, but we do ask that you have 4+ seasons of BB experience under your belt (If this is a is new account, but you've played BB in the past, that is also okay!) We just want to ensure that you're able to manage your team efficiently and you understand the basics of the game, before assisting newer managers. Also, you don't need to be an expert in every aspect in BB: you may be specialised in training, or the TL, or arena expansion, or maybe you're knowledgeable in every aspect. Remember that help forums are still here, as well as our BB Discord: ( so you don't need to know about everything in BB, as other people will always be ready to help.

How to become a mentor: Please leave a reply in this thread and I will include you in the list in the next post.

3.2. Prospective newbies: Feel free to ask for support! All we ask in return is three simple things: a motivation to do your best, a willingness to be open to advice and opinions from your mentor, and a commitment not to leave the game in a few days. Please take into account that mentors are here giving away their free time to help others, something they do in a completely altruistic way.

How to ask for a mentor: All you need to do is contact one of the prospective mentors in the list provided in the next post via BB-Mail (this is the recommended process) or by commenting in this thread that you are seeking a mentor (this process could take a few days to get a response but also works).

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
From: E.B.W.

This Post:
319526.2 in reply to 319526.1
Date: 06/19/2023 18:16:13
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
3.3. Language: Please bear in mind that this is meant to be an International Mentorship Program. This means that, unless English is already your native language or you are lucky enough to find a mentor/newbie who speaks the same language as you, you need to have a fluent communication in English and be familiar with the terminology BB uses.

Dear mentors: If you speak fluently any language other than English, please let me know. Otherwise I will assume you speak English and the language/s spoken in your team's country. If you would also prefer to communicate with your newbies through the BB Discord: (, please let me know.

3.4. Establishing the mentor-newbie contact:
-Newbies: Please BB-Mail one of the mentors below. Whenever possible, try to contact a person who has no or few newbies under their mentorship.
-Mentors: It would be much appreciated if you could let me know who you will be helping once the communication has started. I will do my best to update the number of newbies you are mentoring on here throughout the season.
-Mentors: I will be reaching out at the beginning of each season to ensure that you would still like to be listed as a mentor in this thread. If at any point you do not have the time to mentor new managers any further, no worries at all! We just want to ensure that the mentor list is up to date.

4. Mentors List:

Whenever a mentor...
-Has an asterisk in front of their name, they are full and are not currently open to mentor more newbies.
-Speaks a language apart from English, this is indicated next to their team between square brackets [ ].
-Has a (D) in front of their name, they are active on the BB Discord:( and would prefer to communicate through there.
-Has a specialty or desired mentoring area, it will be listed in parenthesis ( ).

-Jeründerbar - Woodbridge Wreckers [Dutch]: (38314)
-The Sentinel - Zagreb Hell Patrol [Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian]: (41166)
-sergio - Para Bellum BC [Portuguese/Romanian] (training/economy): (103534)
-jwysocki - Southpoint: (22883)
-(D) Mediocrity - Wasted Potential: (30430)
-gregc - The Players (training/tactics): (38819)
-TonyC - Mill City Thunder: (30989)
-(D) Coco - Black Light (USA player training): (28266)
-js8 - Optic Fibres: (91681)
-SpazX - Spazs Ballers: (25071)
-DrChristopher - Coos Bay Cougars: (23254)

Last edited by E.B.W. at 09/04/2023 20:17:23

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(