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Suggestions > Team Rankings

Team Rankings

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From: Bballin
This Post:
Date: 10/11/2011 16:11:11
Overall Posts Rated:
May have already been suggested, I have not looked

My suggestion is for the team history section.
I personally know my highest country ranking(48) and roughly my best world ranking(3300ish), but I think adding that to the team history would make it a whole lot easier and would be a piece of information many teams would love to see.

I could also see this being implemented on the main team page, maybe have our best rankings in brackets beside our current ranking?

I just know I would love to see exactly how high I have ever been and this way makes it alot easier.

This Post:
198272.2 in reply to 198272.1
Date: 10/13/2011 17:09:00
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
I like this suggestion - but I think there are some other things to fix first than add this thing ... but if it can be implemented in the future, that would be really nice!

Du hast nicht genug Geld, um dieses Gebot abzugeben!
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198272.3 in reply to 198272.2
Date: 10/16/2011 10:52:37
Overall Posts Rated:
First of all, the ranking system is the thing to fix :D

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198272.4 in reply to 198272.1
Date: 11/01/2011 13:44:17
Racing Club Beausourire
Overall Posts Rated:

I'd like to see somewhere the best national rank and world rank reached by my team.

The same for national teams.