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BB Scotland > [NT S54] - Consolation Tournament

[NT S54] - Consolation Tournament

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Date: 07/02/2021 08:00:59
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
Hello everyone!

It's going to be my last season as scottish NT-Manager as I have promised to step down after this season in order to let TRUF take over. Of course, you decide if he gets voted into "office" - but I sure hope he does since he's been committed to the scottish community for quite some time now and wants to get the team ready to fight for a couple of wins.

I had promised that you wouldn't see many (or any) wins during my two seasons as head coach. And I did make good on that promise, winning no game at all (the one win last season was by Danki who is now coaching Island, our opponent on Monday). Still, I don't like losing and would have liked to win at least one game (and was quite close). But as I said before: my plan is to get the team ready for international competition. And that's quite a long way since the "old guys" are getting loads of red arrows almost every Friday and the young guys aren't (yet) at their prime. And: we don't have any frontcourt players except Somerled Spens (46864907) (who got his third up in as many weeks today ... thanks a lot for replying to my BB-mail and continuing his training). At the moment, Spens is the only player who should be on a national team. Rory MacChlerich (42221672) also was a player who was internationally competitve. But his gameshape always was a problem - and today he took a huge hit on his jump shot (which was a 19 last season). So he might still be part of the team because he's still good, is our best outside defender. But you see my problem.

Usually, I'd say it takes about 6-8 seasons to get the NT to where I want to have it - and of course only with your help as a community. I'll leave that to TRUF (or whoever you vote as my successor) to continue my work, but I'll always be there to give advice if you ask for it. I have been involved with the german and korean national team for ages and I guess I have a couple of ideas to help you get the NT back on track.

I wasn't successful in getting replies from every manager that I've contacted but I guess I still laid some groundwork to get the players trained in the right direction. I have to accept that Highlander is doing a homegrown team and therefore some of the talented players won't every reach their potential. I still hope that I can persuade him that Peter Lyle is worth getting training EVERY week. But Lyle has already improved a lot during the last season and I sure hope to see another 10+ green arrows this season on his skillset.

Keep in touch with me, I hope we'll be able to grab one or two wins this season (hopefully the draw in the consolation tournament will favor us with home court advantage in winnable games - and you favor me with great GS for those games ...)

Have a great season everyone!

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This Post:
311035.2 in reply to 311035.1
Date: 07/02/2021 10:45:56
Flower of Scotland
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Academy of Scotland
Tell me what you want Lyle's skillset to look like and we can discuss his training again

Nemo me impune lacessit
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311035.3 in reply to 311035.2
Date: 07/02/2021 15:52:10
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
Tell me what you want Lyle's skillset to look like and we can discuss his training again

That's pretty easy. Ideally, every skill at 20. But seriously, I'll send you a BB-Mail.

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311035.4 in reply to 311035.3
Date: 07/02/2021 16:05:00
Flower of Scotland
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Academy of Scotland
Impossible, as one skill is already at 21...

Last edited by GM-The Brave Highlander at 07/02/2021 16:05:40

Nemo me impune lacessit
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311035.5 in reply to 311035.4
Date: 07/02/2021 16:21:57
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
Impossible, as one skill is already at 21...

I somehow knew you'd point that out.

BB-Mail sent. I hope we reach an agreement.

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311035.6 in reply to 311035.4
Date: 07/05/2021 17:03:54
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
There it is, my first win as Scotland NT-Manager. (60886)

Lyle leading the way, again! He's impressive. And great that we've reached an agreement regarding his training. Spens with a great game as well, David Doles with a double-double. But I guess it's going to be Doles last season due to skilldrops. It was definitely Charles MacGillonie's last game. I'll keep an eye on the other players, some of them have changed teams so it's not clear if their gameshape is managed well. But I sure hope that'll be the case ...

As for the others: all of them with pretty good or at least solid games! Boyd needs some more work though. He's not exactly a C but should at least aim for two digits in his ratings at every position ... but he'll get there, I'm sure!

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311035.7 in reply to 311035.6
Date: 07/11/2021 10:51:59
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
So, first two games are out. Brasil is impossible to win, Paraguay almost impossible, despite us playing at home and being ranked higher. We‘ll need perfect GS next friday, so everybody please manage the minutes well!

The first 11.5 players are also nominated for this season. Tavish might not get sold, them he‘s sure to play on monday. If he does get sold, I will first have a look what his new manager is like and see if he manages GS well....let‘s see if we can snatch a win in an official game this season and not just in a scrimmage. But the team does look promising, especially for the next few seasons to come, so watch out, TRUF. You’ll be expected to win the european tournament soon, I guess (ok...just a bit kidding...^^)

Have a great season everyone!!

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311035.8 in reply to 311035.7
Date: 07/12/2021 05:18:46
Kirov Woodcutters
Overall Posts Rated:
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Kirov Bricklayers
Alexis, we are closely following your work and wish you a successful season.
I also want to find out why the player was not called to the first match
MacArthur (44588258)

This Post:
311035.9 in reply to 311035.8
Date: 07/12/2021 09:05:14
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
Alexis, we are closely following your work and wish you a successful season.
I also want to find out why the player was not called to the first match
MacArthur (44588258)

With the first match you mean today or last week? You might have missed it, but I wrote:

Tavish might not get sold, them he‘s sure to play on monday. If he does get sold, I will first have a look what his new manager is like and see if he manages GS well...

I will call him today, even though he might get sold later during the season which is not great because of the GS-drop. But I'll have to deal with that when that's the case, not before. But I didn't nominate him yesterday because IF he got sold, his gameshape would have been screwed for todays game. And when I nominate him, I can't fire him if his new manager doesn't manage his GS well. Those were my thoughts.

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311035.10 in reply to 311035.8
Date: 07/19/2021 14:07:05
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
Well, I took a gamble, playing LI because I expected them to play a 3-2 zone defense. Let‘s just hope that more effort and home court advantage will be enough for us to beat Paraguay who have a better team than us. (For now, we‘re definitely on the right track.)

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311035.11 in reply to 311035.2
Date: 07/19/2021 14:29:30
Hamburg Albatrosses
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korean S. Fighters
Having doles injured after 6 minutes doesn’t bode too well. Our best inside shooter and the tactic was supposed to use his experience and offensive least MacKersey had an ID-Up, so the defense might not be too damaged. But on the offensive side I‘m hoping someone else will pick up the reins and keep us on track...

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