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BB Andorra > Discursos dels Candidats

Discursos dels Candidats (thread closed)

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322080.3 in reply to 322080.1
Date: 12/02/2023 11:39:02
tallinna ehitajad
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
tallinna ehitajad II

(Google translate)

Sóc jo de nou, Ats19, tinc interès per sol·licitar la plaça d'entrenador de l'equip Andorra NT.

M'agradaria enfocar els pagadors amb potencial 8 (superestrella) o superior.

He jugat al joc des del 2008 i fa molt de temps i has de trobar nous reptes al joc. He trobat l'equip d'Andorra recentment (temporada 56).

M'agradaria veure com de bo pot ser, micro nació com Andorra!


It's me again, Ats19, i have interest to apply for Andorra NT team coach spot.

I would like to focus payers with potential 8 (superstar) and above.

I have played the game since 2008 and it's long time and you need to find new challenge in the game. I have found Andorra team recently ( season 56).

I would like to see how good can, micro nation like Andorra, can be!