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Debat Electoral (thread closed)

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From: ats19
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319069.7 in reply to 319069.6
Date: 5/19/2023 3:43:00 AM
tallinna ehitajad
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tallinna ehitajad II
Andorra players i have bought-

Gerard Beltri Bought Free Agent 5/5/2021 $ 63 130- randomly bought from free agency, but he got u21 team. i was pretty suprised how this low level player can make it to a NT. i got interest Andorra and I checked what is happening with Andorra. My opinion was- things are not good.

Delfí Callealt Bought ECAV 10/11/2021 $ 99 999- at the moment KOS 121. but that doesn't seem to be good anough for NT. Or, more logical reason, he doesn't belong to a right "group". I plan him to have KOS 130+ at the end of training.

Aleix Josep Bought Free Agent 12/22/2021 $ 39 800- KOS41/19y at the start. not the sexiest prospect. but i started training him. and when i sold him he had KOS88/23y. Reason for selling was i went over to a three postion training. How much he have got trained after that is on NT coach assignment.

Miquel Belllloc Bought Duncan City Admirals 1/16/2022 $ 2 500- also, not the sexiest prospect. TSP 59/19y. but he should have NT potential at the moment.

Adrià Duran Bought Terra-Nova 2/4/2022 $ 100 000- AGAIN, not the sexiest prospect at the start- TSP 42/18y. he is market at moment actually. TSP 92/23y. i think he still has a NT potential if trained next three seasons. But that is on NT coach to get it done!

Jordi Verdura Bought FreeStyles 3/8/2022 $ 1 204 820- TSP 59/19y(second end of that season). at the moment TSP 101, final TSP 115+.

Ignasi Muntaner Bought Fortuna Halberstadt 11/5/2022 $ 5 000- when i bought him he was already to old to train NT level. so i never planed to train him.

Víctor Sanz Bought Evidence 1/7/2023 $ 50 000- also too old to train for NT when i bought him.

So, I have not bought Andorran players together to drag down the level of the Andorran national team. Most of the Andorran players I have bought have been rejected by other coaches and not considered good enough to train.

The first players were free agents and if I hadn't bought them they would have retired.

Others were mediocre at baseline.

Verdura and Calleal will be the cornerstones of the Andorra national team in 2-3 seasons. They should definitely fit into the rotation this season. I don't understand why some character here is complaining about bad training!!

Josep and Adrian - I trained them to a respectable level. Why their potential is being wasted is the undone job of the current "group"!

From: ats19

This Post:
319069.8 in reply to 319069.7
Date: 5/19/2023 3:59:30 AM
tallinna ehitajad
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
tallinna ehitajad II
Also, about my second team Andorra four players.

Two of them i bought from free agency. If i had not bought them, they would be retired now.

For other two i bought with 100 and 10 000. And they TSP where under 40 at the start.

Again, I have not rounded up the BEST Andorran youth and then let them go to waste.

These players would have been lost for Andorra if I hadn't picked them up!

This Post:
319069.9 in reply to 319069.7
Date: 5/19/2023 5:26:19 AM
Súria Lakers
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Súria Lakers II
No need to lie, man. You are not training them in a good way.

Obviously they are improving but that's not a good sign if it's like your players... Do you want me to share a screenshot of your players? Because they were all terrible for u21; and the reason behind it, was what I said, you ave a lot of traineers and also you are not paying attention to them.

Just please, stop buying players from Andorra, and fins another country who needs your "help". Do us this favour. Do not get more Andorrans players, let them get lost if needed.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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319069.11 in reply to 319069.9
Date: 5/19/2023 8:08:31 AM
tallinna ehitajad
Overall Posts Rated:
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tallinna ehitajad II

Before you manage to train player at same level, lets agree you will not give training advice to me!

I have not train players for u21 team, my main goal has been main team. So, that they have not been good for u21 is logical.

Last edited by ats19 at 5/19/2023 8:11:29 AM

This Post:
319069.12 in reply to 319069.11
Date: 5/19/2023 8:26:31 AM
Súria Lakers
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Súria Lakers II
I think you don't know anything about who are you talking to, if you say so freely this bullshit:

Before you manage to train player at same level, lets agree you will not give training advice to me!

I don't care anything about your ideas of players and if you want to keep in your team or not. I'm only telling you to stop buying players from Andorra, because we have only a few of them and if you don't care of them to being part of u21 (as you just said), yo have plenty of other nacionalities to pick from.

Furthermore, I can't comprehend how someone who say this...

I have not train players for u21 team, my main goal has been main team. So, that they have not been good for u21 is logical.

... wants to be elected as NT Coach. I mean, are you laughing at us?

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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319069.13 in reply to 319069.12
Date: 5/19/2023 12:41:08 PM
tallinna ehitajad
Overall Posts Rated:
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tallinna ehitajad II
i don't care about your ideas either. I have already said it, you remember?

Why isn't current NT coach logged in a week? That is another example how this "group" run.

I'm sure Dave promise work EVERY DAY for Andorra, but when time arrives he doesn't manage to set up correct lineups/tactics etc.

This Post:
319069.14 in reply to 319069.13
Date: 5/19/2023 1:05:18 PM
Iluro Sport
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Iluro Scout
i don't care about your ideas either. I have already said it, you remember?

Why isn't current NT coach logged in a week? That is another example how this "group" run.
Si us plau, llegeix o llegeix de nou aquest missatge (319069.5), aquí trobaràs moltes respostes a les teves preguntes.

I'm sure Dave promise work EVERY DAY for Andorra, but when time arrives he doesn't manage to set up correct lineups/tactics etc.
Mai no he estat seleccionador de cap país i amb els meus equips mai no he deixat una alineació sense fer i he perdut minuts d'entrenament. No sé quin sentit té fer elucubracions als respecte de si fallaré o no en fer una alineació. El moviment es demostra amb moviment, i si dic que dedicaré el meu temps de BB a la selecció andorrana és perquè així ho faré. No continuïs per aquest camí perquè ho trobo massa pueril.

Aprofitant que comentes tantes coses del "grup", et puc dir que som diferents mànagers amb 17 jugadors andorrans. TOTS entrenant al 100% per treure el major profit. 17! Uns més enfocats per la u21 pel seu potencial i altres clarament per la selecció absoluta. Digue'm, què tens tu? Quin és el teu projecte a part de criticar per criticar i sense entendre les explicacions que se t'han donat?

Per una banda me n'alegro que aquest fil estigui animat, són oportunitats per poder parlar de la candidatura i de tot el que s'ha fet i es farà en el futur amb jugadors andorrans. Però per altra banda m'agradaria que fos una mica més constructiu!

Catalan to Estonian to understand

Last edited by LA-Dave PaP at 5/19/2023 1:13:10 PM

This Post:
319069.15 in reply to 319069.13
Date: 5/19/2023 2:19:10 PM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
I won't get tired of send a report on every post you write. You deserve it.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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