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Season 32

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From: Coach Q

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272563.10 in reply to 272563.2
Date: 8/10/2015 1:11:09 PM
Basket Mizu Arlon
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I am amazed by coach Q's stillness, but many teams could haul in world stars to unbalance the things in their favour !

Well as many said, the market is very high right now. Beside this, i might have mentioned this in the past - the only thing i want in this game now is to be world champion. It is not bragging at all, it's just that i want to aim high. And it is so tough to build a team that has the capability to win it all that i am trying to avoid buying players i dont believe in.

that being said i dont have enough competitive players right now and will have to take decisions sooner or later. but i dont think i will manage to be competitive anytime soon.

From: Dartreb

This Post:
272563.11 in reply to 272563.10
Date: 8/10/2015 2:21:34 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Well, that's the only title eluding you (and Joe's).

But I surely won't complain if it allows us lesser humans to have a chance of winning something :)

By the way, there are always less and less teams on BB (we're now around 20 k, I remember when it was above 50 !) does someone have any idea why the prices are so high ?

I'm looking for a subs player (so starter so) I can't find somrthing suitable under 1.5 M !! No way I'm paying that for a substitute.

@Joe : Yeah, that's an extremely disappointing start for AmenRa, double penatly to lose both a starter player and the game :/ I hope his season doesn't get screwed because of that.

This Post:
272563.13 in reply to 272563.12
Date: 8/11/2015 6:17:23 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Looks like I'm the next one after AmenRa to visit the altar of broken dreams.

Well played, it required some guts to play inside with Bellings vs Dabnys.

Yet it worked, I still can't understand why all my starting five was relegated on the bench in the overtime, especially with your big men so close to dismissal ... Why did that happen ?

Why, BUT WHY doesn't it work ? What the hell am I doing wrong ?

This Post:
272563.15 in reply to 272563.14
Date: 8/12/2015 2:38:39 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Kinds words from you, but with all due repect, I have a roster that is 200 k over yours. And defeat should have been a no-go.

200 k roster wages is an enormous amount - if we both had the same wages I wouldn't have been beaten - but annihilated. Which basically means I am doing *something* wrong.

I was always extremely proud to keep results up with a "modest" roster. Now I'm on the other side of the fence, I deliberately chose to go on hard and spend more money than the opposition in order to get results. If I can't get those, what's the point in having a very expensive roster ?

Of course, in itself a defeat at yours isn't at all humiliating, you have a strong team. And nothing is done yet - but no matter how you consider, considering our respective forces, this is from me a severe counter-performance.

About replay, there's nothing to say - as you know, results are calculated before the game and then a match is generated with the calculated outcome.

I'm slowly starting to think that GDP is costing me more games than it makes me win them. Perhaps I should go M2M all the way.

Now, I still can't unserstand how Bellings put misery on a player whose inside defense + counter is over 30 skill points strong ...

From: Eagle

This Post:
272563.16 in reply to 272563.13
Date: 8/12/2015 3:52:04 PM
RSC Eagles
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I think the fact that your focus was completely wrong played a large part in your defeat.
You choose to focus on an outside defense, while Ventola played a inside offense, that's the complete opposite of your focus and a 100% wrong bet !
That certainly played a part in your defeat, for sure.

Last edited by Eagle at 8/12/2015 3:52:47 PM

From: Eagle
This Post:
272563.17 in reply to 272563.16
Date: 8/12/2015 4:21:46 PM
RSC Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Did you guys also see the prizes that are currently paid for trainers, it is getting insane !
I've been trying to get a new trainer for almost 2 months now, but i only want one for a reasonable price.
Prizes that now are being paid for trainers are at least 400K above what i used to pay for a trainer with the same skill level, really crazy.

Last edited by Eagle at 8/13/2015 7:42:22 PM

From: Dartreb

This Post:
272563.18 in reply to 272563.17
Date: 8/12/2015 5:17:31 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Yeah everything is amazingly expensive nowadays, I can't understand why.
