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BB Italia > [U21 - S53] - Mondiale

[U21 - S53] - Mondiale

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From: Bill

This Post:
307760.2 in reply to 307760.1
Date: 12/28/2020 13:09:39
Overall Posts Rated:
Stasera dobbiamo stare attenti, La Lituania è prima al mondo per quanto riguarda il numero di mongolfiere ogni mille abitanti!

Last edited by Bill at 12/28/2020 13:11:17

From: Davide_12

To: Bill
This Post:
307760.3 in reply to 307760.2
Date: 12/28/2020 13:15:39
Centri Ingrassanti Succhino
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
OK Computer
Stasera dobbiamo stare attenti, La Lituania è prima al mondo per quanto riguarda il numero di mongolfiere ogni mille abitanti!

Allora siamo tranquilli visto che giochiamo contro la Lettonia.

From: Bill

This Post:
307760.4 in reply to 307760.3
Date: 12/28/2020 15:14:04
Overall Posts Rated:
Stasera dobbiamo stare attenti, La Lituania è prima al mondo per quanto riguarda il numero di mongolfiere ogni mille abitanti!

Allora siamo tranquilli visto che giochiamo contro la Lettonia. :D

Ci hanno messo una 3-2, speriamo di avere più mongolfiere di loro

This Post:
307760.5 in reply to 307760.4
Date: 12/29/2020 04:11:06
Centri Ingrassanti Succhino
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
OK Computer
Italia 113-84 Lettonia (58265)

La nostra avventura all'Europeo parte con una convincente vittoria contro la Lettonia. Sicuramente l'avversario non era al nostro livello, ma non era al tempo stesso neanche la classica squadra materasso ed il fatto che abbiano deciso (con poca logica in realtà) di usare il normal ci poneva in una situazione un po' scomoda visto quanto possono essere "pesanti" i maggiori impegni a ent base.

Per quanto riguarda le tattiche, abbiamo optato per un attacco esterno che era quello che ci dava più garanzie in relazione a quelli che avevamo potuto convocare visti i problemi di forma di alcuni elementi. In difesa, non c'era motivo di sbilanciarsi con pdp o zone e quindi abbiamo deciso di optare per una scelta conservativa a uomo e senza pdp.

La partita ha avuto poco da dire. Siamo stati in controllo per tutta la partita e devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto della resa dell'attacco contro una 3-2 a minor impegno. 113 punti in queste condizioni sono tanta roba. Per quanto riguarda le prestazioni dei singoli: sicuramente da menzionare la prestazione del top scorer Casciola che ha evidentemente messo in difficoltà la loro difesa visto che si è guadagnato 10 liberi mettendoli tutti a segno tra l'altro. Ma l'MVP di giornata credo sia Vertolone che dalla panchina ne ha messi 20 col 100% dal campo ed ai liberi.

Dagli altri campi nessuna sorpresa: la Germania (nostra principale avversaria per il primo posto) ha facilmente battuto il Lussemburgo ed anche Macedonia e Danimarca non hanno avuto problemi con Georgia e Galles. Tutto da pronostico anche negli altri gironi, anche se la Polonia ha rischiato tantissimo contro una sorprendente Slovacchia che era avanti fino a quando non si è infortunato il tiratore designato per il loro rallenta. La Polonia ha senza dubbio il girone più difficile visto che ha anche ottime squadre come Turchia e Belgio. Speriamo di poter sfruttare la situazione per rubargli il primo posto nel ranking visto che siamo molto vicini. ;)

Adesso arrivano tre partite "noiose" contro Galles, Georgia e Lussemburgo contro avversari troppo lontani dal nostro livello per poterci impensierire. Le useremo per accumulare Differenza Canestri e magari per fare qualche esperimento.

Daje azzurrini!

This Post:
307760.6 in reply to 307760.5
Date: 12/29/2020 07:28:02
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
the Rick-counters of the Rick Kind
Ottima prestazione di forza contro una squadra che dispone di qualche elemento "interessante", che avrebbe potuto (e forse dovuto) puntare al passaggio del turno, mentre ora potrebbe rischiare di chiudere addirittura quarta o peggio. Un po' inspiegabile la scelta del normal, spero il -30 li abbia fatti riflettere 😋

This Post:
307760.7 in reply to 307760.6
Date: 12/29/2020 10:04:01
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
the Rick-counters of the Rick Kind
Power Rankings, Week 1:

It’s been only a couple of weeks since Italy's u21 won the s51 World Championship and Spain's u21 won the Consolation Tournament, but s52 season is already here so let's take a look at the top 10 u21 teams of this European Championship.

Quick reminder: These are just my opinions, if you have an issue with the rankings please leave a comment, BB is dying and both the Flash-gate and the new GE not being implemented are not helping, so let's enjoy these last few days. If any coach would like to express their opinion I'd love to hear it

1. Spain
It would be preposterous for me not to put the hosts as the N°1 team in our ranking! Spain has one hell of a roster this season and most likely would been around the top spot even without the HCA, it's hard to see anyone being capable of stopping them. In their first game they obliterated a decent Greece team, 104-72 the final score. For Spain all 12 men managed to score with Guaire Frera being the MVP of the game, 18 points (8-11 FG) and 10 rebounds for him.

2. Italy
The World Champions start this season with a better team then the one that managed to grab gold last season and they showed all their strength in the game against Latvia. An amazing +29 (113-84) for the "azzurri" who manager to erase the effort used by the Latvians, great game by Giampiero Casciola (25 pts, 7-15 FG, 10-10 FT) but the MVP has to go to Leone Vertolone and his 20-point game in just 20 minutes with no missed shots.

3. France
Last year's runners up in the Consolation Tournament start this season's campaign with just an 8 player roster, mainly due to some GS problems in some important elements such as the young Feutry. This year's objective must be to qualify to the WC repechage but with the very strong squad they have, they might be able to grab a silver medal (that has been missing to France since s33 WC!)

4. Israel
After reaching their 3rd consecutive WC final and grabbing Silver, Ido left the HC position and for the 2nd straight election Israel u21 will change the manager in command (Alonso-Ido-Yoav). Nevertheless the squad is solid and the absolute battering of Norway is the proof, their group isn't the easiest but they must be eyeing a medal to the very least!

5. Turkey
At N°5 we have the first massive shock! Turkey! Led by the giant Ferhat Kadir Kartal and his monstrous 144k weekly salary. But Turkey's strength goes beyond Kartal, Burak Hale for example, who managed to score 24 points with 18 rebounds and 8 assist in their win against Switzerland!! Be careful the Turks can do damage!

6. Lithuania
Their current roster probably is just outside the top 5, however the lack of bigman with loads of potential might hurt their stock for the second phase of this European Championship. In a very high-scoring first game they handed Sweden a 109-132 in a game that was probably too close (except for the 2nd quarter) for their likings.

7. Poland
N°7?!?!?! Yes, a very bad win for toshii's side as they just edged a 106-101 win against Slovakia, a victory that probably wouldn't have happened if Žigmund Fujko (40 points!) managed to end the game. Not only this game was a poor result, but the fact that they almost lost to a Patient defending with a 3-2 honestly scares me, however Poland is one of the nations that dominated the last 7/8 seasons and with a great manager behind it would be disrespectfull to put them even lower.

8. Russia
Coming in at N°8 Russia, of the final 3 teams they were the one's with the highest rating according to BB-Manager and this is why I've placed them in front of the other 2 teams. If they play their cards correctly they might end up with a WC repechage, but for the time being they must aim at the top of the group.

This Post:
307760.8 in reply to 307760.7
Date: 12/29/2020 10:04:16
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
the Rick-counters of the Rick Kind
9. Slovenia
A new power in the u21 landscape Slovenia managed to skyrocket to N°4 in BB World Ranking but honestly I don't expect them to reach the heights of the past seasons.

10. Germany
Led by my dear friend Uwe Hellgrun, the Germans are and will always be a dangerous team. This season the minimum objective must be the second round, everything better must be a considered overachieving.

This Post:
307760.9 in reply to 307760.8
Date: 01/05/2021 06:08:51
Centri Ingrassanti Succhino
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
OK Computer
Italia 141-66 Galles (58269)

Come già detto, quella di ieri era la prima di 3 partite "noiose" in cui gli avversari non erano nemmeno lontanamente in grado di impensierirci. L'unico obiettivo reale di questa partita era quello di mettere insieme più Diff. Canestri possibile. Per questo abbiamo quindi puntato su una tattica veloce come accelera per l'attacco. Per la difesa invece ho voluto provare una tattica che in condizioni normali non userei mai: pressione a tutto campo. E' una tattica che funziona abbastanza male, e infatti abbiamo concesso 66 punti ed addirittura 30 rimbalzi d'attacco ai modesti gallesi, ma al tempo stesso questa tattica ha il pregio di aumentare esponenzialmente i possessi della partita permettendo teoricamente di dilatare lo scarto tra le due squadre. Abbiamo messo insieme un onesto +75 di DC che non è malaccio.

Per quanto riguarda la partita, ovviamente hanno fatto bene un po' tutti almeno offensivamente. Da segnalare nuovamente Vertolone che per ragioni di forma era partito ancora dalla panchina mettendo insieme 23 punti in 17 minuti tirando 10-12 dal campo. Probabilmente farei bene a schierarlo in quintetto dalla prossima partita.

Nessuna sorpresa dagli altri campi. Tutte le top squadre hanno facilmente vinto le loro partite.

Appuntamento a Lunedì prossimo per la partita con la Georgia!

Daje azzurrini!

Last edited by Davide_12 at 01/05/2021 06:09:20

This Post:
307760.10 in reply to 307760.9
Date: 01/11/2021 16:53:31
Centri Ingrassanti Succhino
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
OK Computer
Italia 144-88 Georgia (58273)

Anche stavolta scrivo questo post giusto per dovere di cronaca. Era un'altra partita con un avversario troppo inferiore per poterci mettere in difficoltà. Abbiamo quindi potuto continuare con i test e questa volta è stato il turno di un R&G che devo dire mi ha soddisfatto molto visti i 144 punti prodotti. In difesa immaginavamo un attacco esterno da parte loro e quindi ci siamo messi in 3-2. Quest'ultima invece è stata un po' deludente anche se il forte basso fatto registrare dalla Georgia comunque descrive un attacco niente male da parte dei georgiani.

I 144 punti hanno quindi portato una grande prestazione offensiva corale. Il top scorer è stato il fenomeno Casciola con 25 punti ma la palma di migliore in campo questa volta va ad Abruzzese che ne mette 19 con 8 tiri aggiungendo anche 7 rimbalzi e 6 assist.

Lunedì prossimo altro appuntamento con una squadra materasso: Lussemburgo. Dalla settimana successiva si inizierà finalmente a salire di livello fino ad arrivare alle partite veramente decisive.

Daje azzurrini!

This Post:
307760.11 in reply to 307760.10
Date: 01/11/2021 21:00:46
Châtaigne Section Papi
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Lieutenant de Louveterie
Bella prestazione d'attacco dei tuoi giovani, i miei piccoli georgiani non potrebbero fare di meglio,
Buona fortuna per il futuro

This Post:
307760.12 in reply to 307760.7
Date: 01/19/2021 04:50:24
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
the Rick-counters of the Rick Kind
Power Rankings, Week 4:

So here we are, back again, since the games in these first weeks weren't going to be competitive I've decided to gather more information and see how team got along. With that being said, let's hop into it.

Quick reminder: These are just my opinions, if you have an issue with the rankings please leave a comment

1. Spain
In week 1 they looked like the best team, it's just week 4 and it seems like the gap was widen. Spain's defense is on another level, they conceived just 197 points in 4 games and are the only team that can dream of a double 11 in the team's defensive rating, HCA definitely helps them in this regard, but i can see them slowing down. Amill and Bolufer are the top scorers from these first games with Jáuregi and Frera ready to scrap up every possible board.
Previous rank: 1

2. Italy
Second for point differential (+225, Spain is first with 253) and second best offense with 514 Points scored, smallest margin of victory a +29 against a decent Latvia side that tried harder then us, there is no reason for me to move Italy from then second place. Only real knock is the fact that the winner of group C will go up against Spain in the second group.
Previous rank: 2

3. Israel
Not much to say really, they seem to have a very good team, they have a good (and cheeky) staff that makes them a constant threat. They should be aiming for silver medal, however if they slip up (like they did in s50 vs Russia) we could end up with a repeat of that awful group that had 5 of the best 6 teams (plus a very good Lituania side) in the world.
Previous rank: 4

4. France
There's a bit of a gap between the top 3 team and the rest of the pack, with France leading the way, although they did have an amazing start to the season (for the time being they're not even topping their group), they had some fitness issues and I love their 20yo bigs, so it's hard for me to put them below number 4.
Previous rank: 3

5. Lithuania
Lithuania really impressed me in these first couple of weeks, they not only have the best scoring team (530 Points scored, that's more then 130 PPG!) but they also have very interesting defensive ratings. The lack of bigman with potential still "scares" me but nonetheless Israel should keep an eye on them.
Previous rank: 6

6. Turkey
Like France they didn't have the best of starts and the hopefully the new owner of Kartel will keep him in good GS, however they're currently topping their group and have the squad to do some damage, they have a hard group with Belgium and Poland but that shouldn't be a problem.
Previous rank: 5

7. Germany
Probably the biggest risers from week 1, Germany has a good squad, led by the man, the myth, the legend Uwe Hellgrun (currently top 3 for points, rebounds and assists :P) they must be eyeing a third place finish in the second round, since that will give them access to the World Championships Repechage next season. Will they do it? Let's wait and see
Previous rank: 10

8. Poland
Simply a disappointing start to the season, but Poland is Poland and so it will always be a tough opponent, they might need to use some ts to get out of the group but it would be blasphemous for me to put them lower.
Previous rank: 7

9. Portugal
The very opposite of Poland, I've been truly impressed by Portugal, top of their group (which includes France) while being both the best offense and defense of the group, won't challenge for a medal but massive props.
Previous rank: nr

10. Slovenia
They look in control of group E this is why I gave them the edge over Belgium, Russia, Finland, Serbia etc.
Previous rank: 9
