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How do you get outscored by 20 points in the 4th quarter with your best players in the game

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From: Reece
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Date: 04/09/2022 21:56:07
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I'm at a loss. Was up in the playoffs. Played this team twice in the season, lost both times but was up this time. 4th quarter rolls around and we are doing well, but then we get outscored by 20, we only score 10 points, two best scorers are still in the game along with the best rebounder on both teams, and yet, we just lose it. Was up 7 then lost by 13 because we lost the 4th quarter by 20 points. I'm at a loss for words.

From: testudo

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314057.2 in reply to 314057.1
Date: 04/10/2022 06:16:19
Isca Centurions
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Dartmoor Pumas
A quick skim of the play-by-play and K. Huk and S. Legkauskas were hit by the exhaustion trigger early in the 4th, you were up by 3-4pts at the time. Without looking in detail I'm guessing that was the main problem.

From: Watson

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314057.3 in reply to 314057.1
Date: 04/10/2022 14:15:29
Spalding Storm
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Green Chemical Frogs
Main players in PO played 40+ mins, this is the main reason I guess ;) You put too much minutes on your guards , as you could see his 2nd sg/sf got 7 and 9 mins of rest - once yours SF did not got any normal backup in SF and 3 mins in SG.