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USA - IV.49 > Anyone Need Help

Anyone Need Help

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Date: 05/11/2022 13:18:09
Coos Bay Cougars
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Central Town Chihuahuas
Hey All,
We all are competing, but I think the hardest part of the this game is staying consistent. Anyone need any help with staff, players, resources? I’ve been research through the forums I’ll try to check back on this forum every 2-3 days. If you need anything feel free to reach out.

Meanwhile I figured I’d through a question out there. What kind of Small Forward do you prefer skill wise? Do you prefer a different array of skills?

Small Forward (Outside Based)
Primary Skills: Outside Defense, Jump Shot
Secondary Skills: Inside Defense, Jump Range, Rebounding, Passing, Handling, Driving
Tertiary Skills: Inside Shot, Shot Blocking

Small Forward (Balanced)
Primary Skills: Outside Defense, Inside Defense, Jump Shot, Inside Shot
Secondary Skills: Rebounding, Passing, Jump Range, Handling, Driving
Tertiary Skills: Shot Blocking

Small Forward (Inside Based)
Primary Skills: Outside Defense, Inside Shot, Inside Defense, Rebounding
Secondary Skills: Jump Shot, Passing, Handling, Driving
Tertiary Skills: Jump Range, Shot Blocking


The doctor is in...
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314834.2 in reply to 314834.1
Date: 06/01/2022 18:13:47
Splash Gang
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Splash Gang II
I'd prefer the second option!

Totally agree with you as well, staying consistent is a large part of having success in this game.

I hope you stay consistent and if you need any help or have any questions, feel free to reach out!


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314834.3 in reply to 314834.2
Date: 06/01/2022 19:05:11
Coos Bay Cougars
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Central Town Chihuahuas
I'd prefer the second option!

Totally agree with you as well, staying consistent is a large part of having success in this game.

I hope you stay consistent and if you need any help or have any questions, feel free to reach out!


Welcome my man!

Agreed. I have felt like a have been really undervalued passing outside PG. I might try to play around with the whole team having respectable or better passing next season. I wonder how often my team would get stuck with bad shots at the end of the clock if everyone was better than most of the league at passing.

Also on a personal note. I see that your side briefly fell back to D4 before you made your push to the heady highs you are at now. Was that just casualness/Real-life stuff outside of the game or did not team/arena/training feel unready in some way?

Asking for any of us hoping to make it to and stay in D3.


The doctor is in...
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314834.4 in reply to 314834.3
Date: 06/02/2022 00:00:22
Splash Gang
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Splash Gang II
Yeah, when I fell back to D4, it was a mixture of a couple of things.

1. I lost a passion for the game for a bit and had the team on sort of autopilot. (I even did this for a few seasons in D3)

2. My arena wasn't ready

3. I still didn't know nearly enough about the game to be able to make a run.

Funny thing is, the only reason I came back to the game was because I drafted a truly stellar trainee. I ended up selling him but drafting a Hof pot player gave me a lot of motivation to play this game again. Once I came back, I tried to soak up as much information as I could in order to be able to train my trainee well. I asked a lot of questions, gathered information from the forums, and learned from some very successful managers in the discord that helped me a lot in getting me where I am now!

I appreciate the question and recommend that you consider joining the discord:

There are a lot of great minds in there that can help you with any questions you may have!